Past IRVA Conferences
The Remote Viewing Conference was created to accomplish the following goals:
- To provide a stimulating environment for education, understanding, and expanded awareness in the rapidly growing remote viewing community.
- To bring together a wide range of remote viewing practitioners, trainers, and researchers to share their experiences and knowledge in a friendly and supportive group setting.
- To foster cooperation, expand friendships, and facilitate intellectual cross-pollination among those wishing to help expand the boundaries of human consciousness.
- To provide an accurate and responsible picture of remote viewing history and state-of-the-art.

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2022 Remote Viewing Conference
- Debra Lynne Katz Ph.D. – Nancy Reinhardt Smith:
Opening remarks - Russell Targ:
Synchronicities Surrounding SRI Remote Viewing Program - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
The History of IRVA & Introducing the new IRVA Historical & Archival Committee - Patty Gallagher:
Personality Profiling with Remote Viewing - Jon Knowles:
The Nature of Numbers and their Application in the Lottery - Harold (Hal) Puthoff, Ph.D.:
Ask Hal Anything & UFO/UAP Update - Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.:
Panel Discussion – Most Amazing Moments and Visions for the Future - Debra Lynne Katz Ph.D. & Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
Outbounder Remote Viewing Experiment - Michael Ferrier:
RV Tournament - Dick Allgire & Edward Riordan:
Cryptoviewing - Damon Abraham Ph.D.:
Content vs. Meaning in Images: Creating an Open-sourced Target Pool for RV Research - Thomas (Tom) McNear:
The Fascinating Mysteries of Ingo Swann’s Book: Penetration - Tom Atwater, Ph.D.:
Using Intuitive Processes for Predicting Horse Racing Outcomes - Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan:
Visions for the Futures - Dale Graff:
Traveling along the Remote Viewing Trail: 50 years of Time and Space Explorations - Marty Rosenblatt:
My History and Experiences with ARV and Consciousness - Jon Knowles:
Alphabetics – Significant Developments Past and Present - Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.:
Ask Jeff Anything - Elly Flippen:
Stardust Highways: Ingo Swann’s Art of Entertaining - Joseph (Joe) Matto:
Remembering the Future – The StarGate Poems - Julia Mossbridge Ph.D.:
Operational Precognitive Remote Viewing - Edward Riordan:
Remote Viewing Experiences & Experiments on Video - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
Myths and Misunderstandings about Controlled Remote Viewing - Debra Lynne Katz Ph.D.:
IRVA President’s Report - David Silverstein:
Conference RV Experimental Room Reveal of Targets & Feedback/Report - David Harker & Bruno Mortella:
An Online Remote Viewing Community for the Future - Stephan Schwartz:
The 2060 Precognitive Project - Peter Bancel, Ph.D.:
Two Problems for Parapsychology, One Solution, and How You Can Help - Sandra Hilleard:
Two Problems for Parapsychology, One Solution, and How You Can Help - Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D.:
Extended Human Potentials: Exploring Transpersonal Realms of Knowing and Being
2021 Remote Viewing Conference
- Bill Ray:
Master of Ceremonies - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
What is Remote Viewing? - Lori Williams:
Asking the Right Question: The Key to Accurate Results - Bill Ray – Pam Coronado:
Extended Remote Viewing From the Field - Elly Molina:
The Importance of Psychic Development (Remote Viewing) in Education and Why It Matters - Tom McNear:
Phonetics: Discovering CRV Stage Seven - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
Confusion in the Ranks: Remote Viewing and Consciousness - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
Decoding the Nuraghi of Sardinia - Patty Gallagher:
Time and Remote Influencing, Developing Protocol and Methods - Tom McNear:
Mars Through the Eyes of Science and Remote Viewing - Nancy McLaughlin-Walter:
Research into Altered-State Consciousness via Electroencephalography
2020 Remote Viewing Conference
- Alexis Champion:
Intuition and Remote Viewing – Ten Years of R&D and Applications - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
The Past The Present and Future of Remote Viewing - Nick Cook:
Ingo Swann Lost Works - James Giordano:
The Brain – Generator Antenna and or Receptacle - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
Outbounder Workshop - Sean McNamara:
Winning the Colorado Pick3 Lottery Twice in 2019 - Markus Perk:
Remote Viewing and Physics – The Worldview of the Physicist Burkhard Heim - Bill Ray – Pam Coronado – Sean Mahoney:
A Discussion on Hypnosis and Remote Viewing - IRVA Founders Panel:
Reflections on the history, present, and future both of the organization and the field of Remote Viewing - Dale Graff – Debra Katz:
IRVA Research Unit - Dale Graff:
Extended Remote Viewing – Dreams and Synchronicity - Debra Lynne Katz:
Navigating Space - Lyn Buchanan:
2018 Remote Viewing Conference
- Stanley Krippner:
Remote Viewing of Concealed Target Pictures Under Light and Dark Conditions - Pam Coronado:
Perceiving Murder: Tales from a Psychic Detective - John Cook :
Undrinking the Kool-Aid: "Blindness" as both a crucial feature and Achilles' Heel of Remote Viewing - Gail Husick:
Application of Controlled Remote Viewing in the Medical Field: Viewing Twins with Autism - Maximilian Müller:
Associative Remote Viewing: A Proof-of-Principle Study (Warcollier Prize Winner) - Dale E. Graff:
Psi Dream Vigilance - Mark Urban-Lurain:
Astrology: Science, Pseudoscience, or Anomaly? - Dani Caputi:
The Nature of Randomness as a Gateway to a Theory of Consciousness - Julie Beischel:
Living-agent-psi is dead: Limitations of the language used to describe mediumistic phenomena - Anne Salisbury:
Three Secrets to After Death Communication - Manori Sumanasinghe:
Design and Technology as Applied Consciousness Science - Hal Puthoff:
The Department of Defense Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Program: The Back Story, The Forward Story - John Alexander:
The Department of Defense and UFOs Redux - Joe Gallenberger:
Using the Casino as a PK Classroom - Debra Katz:
Fridays With Ingo: Adventures in Remote Viewing and Archival Research in UWG Special Collections - York Dobyns:
Remembering Robert Jahn - John Alexander:
Remembering Jim Channon - Garret Moddel:
An Introduction to Psibotics - Mark Boccuzzi:
When Pundits Fail, Psi Prevails: Using a Symbolic Hieronymus Machine to Predict Voting Outcomes - Sean McNamara:
Cultural Emergence of Macro-Psychokinesis: Advantages for Research - Moritz Dechamps:
Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness – On the Oscillatory Nature of Micro-psychokinetic Effects - Bernard Beitman:
Connecting with Coincidence: From Protoscience to Life Coach - Janet Mitchell:
Is There a Physical Component to ESP Interactions at a Distance? - Debra Katz:
The Re-judging Experiment - John Kruth:
Associative Remote Viewing for Profit: The Importance of the Judge and Investment Instrument - Thomas D. Abraham:
Self-Research and Applied psi: Experiments With Simultaneous Micro & Macro PK - Beverly Rubik:
New Technology to Assess the Human Biofield - Nelson Abreu:
Quantifying Biofield Strength Using Biological Sensors - Bill Bengston:
Genomic Changes in Cancer produced by a Recording of Healing Intention - Melinda H. Connor:
Empirical Test Suite for Energy Practitioners - Garrett Hill:
Cracking the Code on Plasma Emissions Control
2017 Remote Viewing Conference
- Jon Noble:
Introduction to Remote Viewing - Lyn Buchanan:
How to Get Unstuck - Rick Hilleard:
RV Down Under: 20 Years of Remote Viewing Training, Operations, and Growth - Debra Katz & Michelle Bulgatz:
Forecasting the outcome of a presidential election - Dale Graff & Nancy Smith:
Dream Remote Viewing Workshop (Parts I and II) - John Cook:
RV as a Turing Test for AI: Will Artificial Intelligences be Able to Remote View? - Gail Husick:
CRV Case File: Mother and Child Reunion - Daz Smith, Pam Coronado, John Cook:
Panel: Telepathic Interference in Remote Viewing - Elly Molina:
PSI-KIDS: Teaching Children to Access, Trust & Utilize Their Psychic Abilities
2016 Remote Viewing Conference
- Nancy Smith:
Remote Viewing in Dreams: Can it Work for ARV? - Shane Ivie:
Remote Viewing Names: Finding the Winning Horse and Beyond - David Barnes:
Veronicube – A Tool for Remote Viewing Research - Gary Arnold:
Remote Viewing for Corporate Strategic Planning - Glenn Wheaton:
20 Years Inside the Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild - Angela Thompson Smith:
Tasker Expectation, Telepathic Overlay, and “The Romance of the Skies” - John Streiff:
A Remote Viewer’s Guide to Reality - Dale E. Graff:
Tomorrow’s News Today: Can Information Flow Backwards in Time to Affect us Now? - Debra Katz & Michelle Bulgatz:
Objects as Remote Viewing Targets and the Role of Context and Setting - Marilyn Schlitz:
Extended Human Capacities: Gateways to Transformation
2015 Remote Viewing Conference
- Pam Coronado:
Remote Viewing Missing Persons - Dale E. Graff:
Free Ranging In The PSI Domain - Dr. Ellen Huffman-Zechmen:
Broken Arrow Project What’s in Your Backyard - Nancy C. Jeane:
Remote Viewing What is it Really? - Elly Molina:
PSI Kids-Teaching Access to Psychic Abilities - Paul O’Connor:
Show Me The Money! - Dr. Hal Puthoff:
The Stories Behind the Stories - Noreen Renier:
If You Think You’re Not a Remote Viewer, Think Again - Daniel Sheehan & Patricia Cyrus:
Remote Viewing and Retrocausation - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
Remote Viewing In Humanitarian Aid Work - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. & Lori Williams:
Ideograms - Glenn B. Wheaton:
HRVG Presents Target Signatures in Remote Viewing
2014 Remote Viewing Conference
- Eben Alexander III M.D.:
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife - Christopher Barbour & Pam Coronado:
Workshop: Sketching Human Faces for Remote Viewing - Nancy Du Tertre:
The Sixth Sense is a Myth - Debra Lynne Katz, Ph.D.:
What’s New? Lessons Learned in Recent Remote Viewing Research - John Kortum:
The Kortum Technique - John G. Kruth:
The history of the Rhine Research Center to the IRVA community - Graham Nicholls:
Perceptions Beyond the Body: Remote Viewing and Out-of-Body Experiences - Alexis Poquiz & Marty Rosenblatt:
Advances, Innovations and Statistics in Applying Precognition - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
Amelia Earhart, Fred Noonan and the Electra - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
Don’t Know Much About History - Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.:
Dowsing For Amelia - Glenn B. Wheaton:
HRVG Presents: “Cloak & Dagger” - Lori Williams:
The Next Generation of Remote Viewers and Beyond: What Does Our Future Hold?
2012 Remote Viewing Conference
- Skip Atwater:
Quantum Mind Remote Viewing with Spatial Angle Modulation - Marsha Adams:
Are Location and Time Variables in Remote Viewing? - Marty Rosenblatt:
Analysis/Judging and Displacement in ARV - Melvin Morse:
CRV for the Civilian World: Barriers and Solutions - Russell Targ:
Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute - Jim Channon:
Workshop: Introductory Drawing for Remote Viewers - Christopher C. Green:
A View from the Inside of the Two Scientific Worlds of Remote Viewing - Paul H. Smith:
What You Can Do to Help ‘Remote Viewing’ Become a Household Word - Lori Williams:
Remote Viewing: Is it Dangerous? - Glenn B. Wheaton:
Remote Viewing In the Future: 2112 - Courtney Brown:
An RV Inspired Revision of Human History and the Nature of Physical Reality - Angela Thompson Smith:
Practical Applications of Remote Viewing The Denver “DJ” Murder Case - Tom McNear:
Life in the Center Lane - Lyn Buchanan:
Controlled Remote Influencing - Pam Coronado:
Workshop: Opening Up To Your Senses - Debra Lynne Katz and Lance William Beem:
2011 Warcollier Prize: Research Project Findings
2011 Remote Viewing Conference
- Dick Allgire:
A Message to the Past - Stephan Schwartz:
Exploration with Remote Viewing: The Mobius Consensus Protocol - Lyn Buchanan:
What Humans Perceive and How it Affects Our Viewing - David J. Oates:
Can Reverse Speech Benefit the Remote Viewing Community? - Lori Williams:
Making Remote Viewing Work For You - Courtney Brown:
The Creation of the Asteroid Belt - Marty Rosenblatt:
Unitary ARV for a Baseball Game: Applied Precognition Workshop - Paul H. Smith & Christopher C. Smith:
The Paradigm Argument Against Psi – Stock Market Prediction Using ARV - Panel Discussion:
Remote Viewing Promotion and Public Perception - Stephen Braude:
Psi and the Nature of Abilities - Debra Lynne Katz:
Twins Separated At Birth: Remote Viewing and Clairvoyant Reading - Melvin Morse and Jeffrey W. Smith:
Wisdom in the Making: Therapeutic Applications of Nonlocal Viewing for Counseling - Alexis Champion:
Remote Viewing Software: Enhance Performance
2010 Remote Viewing Conference
- Dick Allgire:
A Message to the Past - Stephan Schwartz:
Exploration with Remote Viewing: The Mobius Consensus Protocol - Lyn Buchanan:
What Humans Perceive and How it Affects Our Viewing - David J. Oates:
Can Reverse Speech Benefit the Remote Viewing Community? - Lori Williams:
Making Remote Viewing Work For You - Courtney Brown:
The Creation of the Asteroid Belt - Marty Rosenblatt:
Unitary ARV for a Baseball Game: Applied Precognition Workshop - Paul H. Smith & Christopher C. Smith:
The Paradigm Argument Against Psi – Stock Market Prediction Using ARV - Panel Discussion:
Remote Viewing Promotion and Public Perception - Stephen Braude:
Psi and the Nature of Abilities - Debra Lynne Katz:
Twins Separated At Birth: Remote Viewing and Clairvoyant Reading - Melvin Morse and Jeffrey W. Smith:
Wisdom in the Making: Therapeutic Applications of Nonlocal Viewing for Counseling - Alexis Champion:
Remote Viewing Software: Enhance Performance
2009 Remote Viewing Conference
- Paul H. Smith:
Smoking Gun III: Evidence for a Successful RV Application in the Real World - Pam Coronado:
What Psychics Can Learn From Remote Viewers and Remote Viewers Can Learn From Psychics - Courtney Brown:
The Prometheus Protocols: Conducting Public Remote-Viewing Experiments - John Alexander:
Shamanism, Remote Viewing and Near Death Experiences - Dick Allgire:
Masking and Entrainment: A Case Study - Lyn Buchanan & Coleen Marenich:
Developing Standards in the Remote Viewing Industry - Marty Rosenblatt:
10-Choice Associative Remote Viewing - Skip Atwater:
Project 8200: The Untold Story - Panel Discussion:
Remote Viewing and the Nature of Consciousness - Roger Nelson:
The World-Spanning View of Global Consciousness - Russell Targ & Stephan Schwartz:
A Tribute to Hella Hammid: The First Woman Remote Viewer - Dale E. Graff:
Exploring the PSI Process - Marshall Payn:
What Breaks Paradigms?
2007 Remote Viewing Conference
- Stephan Schwartz:
Opening to the Infinite - Nick Seferlis:
Healing, Intuition and Remote Viewing - Marty Rosenblatt:
ARV-Investment Club Approach Versus Independent Viewing - Pam Coronado:
Remote Viewing Crime - Dick Allgire:
HRVG Methodology: An Overview - George McMullen:
Remote Viewing Artifacts: Hands On Experience - Panel Discussion:
A Remote Viewer’s Code of Ethics - Courtney Brown:
Remote Viewing and the Displaced-Target Phenomenon - Jacques Vallee:
Software of Consciousness: Personal recollections from the RV program - Paul H. Smith:
The Shotgun Wedding Between Dowsing and Remote Viewing - Lyn Buchanan:
The Setting of Standards - Ed Dames:
Case Studies in Applied Remote Viewing
2006 Remote Viewing Conference
- Jeffrey Mishlove:
Remote Viewing is not “viewing” - Angela Thompson Smith:
Remote Viewing Around the World: International Claims about Remote Viewing - Noreen Renier:
The Psychic Connection in Criminal Investigations - Paul H. Smith:
Smoking Gun II: Astonishing Evidence From the Archives - George McMullen:
The Story Tellers - Jessica Utts:
Remote Viewing: It Works, but HOW? - E. Elias Merhige:
Remote Viewing: A filmmakers journey into the dramatic structure of the mind - Lyn Buchanan:
The Real Future of CRV: Where are we going from here? - Dean Radin:
Entangled Minds - Ingo Swann:
Human Super Sensitivities and the Future - Russell Targ:
Practical Applications of Psychic Abilities - William Tiller:
Psychoenergetics Science and its Relationship to Remote Viewing - Stephan Schwartz:
Factors that Impact on Remote Viewing Success
2004 Remote Viewing Conference
- Lyn Buchanan:
It’s About Time - John Alexander:
Stepping Back: Discovering the Nature of Phenomenology - Carol Ann Liaros:
Project Blind Awareness - Patrick Marsolek:
Learning Intuition and Remote Viewing as an Awareness Practice - Marty Rosenblatt:
Precognition Applications and Free Will - Nick Seferlis:
Remote Viewing and Intuitive Healing - Pam Coronado:
Remote Viewing High Profile Crime Cases - Simon Turnbull:
The Future of Remote Viewing - Daryl J. Bem:
Valid and Fraudulent Claims for ESP: How Can We Tell the Difference? - Stephan Schwartz:
Exploration and Applications with Remote Viewing - Daryl J. Bem:
Recent Experimental Evidence for Precognition - Melvin Morse:
Near Death Experience and Remote Viewing - Stephan Schwartz:
Outbounder Remote Viewing - Dick Allgire:
Demonstration of Consensus Analysis - Melodie Klieman:
Remote Viewing as Part of Healing by Utilizing the Whole Human Consciousness - Ingo Swann:
A Conversation with Ingo Swann - Russell Targ:
Why Bother with ESP? - Paul H. Smith:
Associative Remote Viewing: Introduction and Exercise - Paul H. Smith:
The Smoking Gun: Extraordinary Claims versus Exceptional Evidence - Angela Thompson Smith:
Predictions: What’s the Point?
2002 Remote Viewing Conference
- Ingo Swann(Keynote Speaker):
Remote Viewing Viewed from the Outside – Part I - Ingo Swann(Keynote Speaker):
Remote Viewing Viewed from the Inside – Part II - John B. Alexander, Ph.D.:
The Ultimate Conspiracy - F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater:
The Role of the Monitor in Remote Viewing - Cleve Backster:
Hypnosis Experiments Involving a Practice Similar to Remote Viewing - Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan:
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Scoring Remote Viewing Sessions - Prudence Calabrese:
Remote Diagnosis and Healing - Dale E. Graff:
Air Force RV; Psi Connections; Distance PSI Experiments; and Learning from Illusions - Hal Puthoff, Ph.D.:
Remote Viewing: Classified Beginnings - Mel Riley:
‘Remote Viewing’ and the American Indian: An Historical Overview - Marty Rosenblatt:
ARV, Precognition, and What We Learned from our Five Protocols - Nick Seferlis:
Remote Viewing, Remote Healing, and the Life Force - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
Thinking Outside the Box: Remote Viewing as an Intelligence Gathering Tool - Paul H. Smith:
Operational Failure: Why it’s Hard to Remote View Photos and What You Can do about it - Russell Targ:
The Real “Real X-Files”: Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute - Atwater, Riley, Smith, Swann and Targ:
The Oral History of Remote Viewing
2001 Remote Viewing Conference
- John B. Alexander, Ph.D.:
Remote Viewing, Science, and You; A Paradox for our Times - Dick Allgire:
Remote Viewing and Direction Finding - F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater:
Hemi-Sync® and Remote Viewing - Lyn Buchanan:
How to Succeed at not Failing: Selecting Training and Practice Targets to Give You the Edge - Pam Coronado:
The Best Techniques for Successfully Remote Viewing the Future - Deno Kazanis, Ph.D.:
The Scientific Basis for Remote Viewing and Mystical Phenomena - Bevy Jaegers:
Psychic Research: Challenge of the Future - Jerry Livesay, Ph.D.:
Phenomenological Methodology for Personality Profiling - Patrick Marsolek:
Developing Sensory Awareness for Facilitation of Remote Viewing - Jean Millay, Ph.D.:
The Ability of Couples to Establish EEG Phase Coherence and their Ability to do RV Successfully - Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D.:
Remote-Viewing Training: Does It Work? - Gabrielle Pettingell:
Remote Viewing: Martial Art for the Mind - Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Ph.D.:
Investigation of a Complex Space-Time Metric to Describe Psychic Phenomena - Marty Rosenblatt:
An Online Associative Remote Viewing Workshop - Stephan A. Schwartz:
Remote Viewing in Egypt: A 22 Year Case Study in applied remote viewing - Nick Seferlis:
Intuitive Therapy: Remote Viewing and Healing - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
Detection of Non-local Consciousness: Catching Remote Viewers in the Act - Paul H. Smith:
Remote Viewing’s Biggest Bugaboo: How We Come To Think We Know What Really Isn’t So - Hoyt A. Stearns Jr.:
A techie looks at the non-physical universe: Physical Reality from a non-physical perspective - Russell Targ:
Why I Teach Remote Viewing - Atwater, Riley, Smith and Targ:
The Development of Remote Viewing and Government Sponsored Programs
2000 Remote Viewing Conference
- Charles T. Tart, Ph.D.(Keynote Speaker):
Learning to Use ESP - John B. Alexander, Ph.D.:
Secrecy and the Other Things You Need to Know - F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater:
Military Training in Remote Viewing Skill - F.M. Bonsall:
The Application of ARV in the Context of Structured Remote Viewing - Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan:
The Assigned Witness Program: The Future of Applied Remote Viewing - Jack Houck:
Mental Access Window (MAW) and Partial Access (PA) - Bevy Jaegers:
Psychic Research: Challenge of the Future - Deno Kazanis, Ph.D.:
A Scientific Model for Remote Viewing - Greg Kolodziejzyk:
Predicting the Future with Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) - Marty Rosenblatt:
Online Associative Remote Viewing with the AVM Project - Stephan A. Schwartz:
The Power of Ten - Azra Simonetti:
What do the Brain Waves of a Remote Viewer Look Like? - Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D.:
Feedback: The Antoine de Saint-Exupery Project - Paul H. Smith:
RV101: A Brief Introduction to Remote Viewing - Russell Targ:
A Conversation with Russell Targ - Marcello Truzzi:
Fundamental Errors - Skye Turell:
Operational Remote Viewing: A Reality Check - Jessica Utts, Ph.D.:
From Private Knowing to Public Knowledge: A Scientific Confirmation of Remote Viewing