Daz Smith has been Remote Viewing in the UK since 1997. Daz trained in the SRI/Military technique called CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing).
For the past two decades he has practiced Remote Viewing and has developed it to a level whereby he now feels very comfortable with his overall accuracy and ability and can confidently pass this on to clients. Remember – a Remote Viewer is never 100% accurate 100% of the time but saying this, they can be spookily accurate on occasions. Most of the time they hover around the 60 – 80+% accurate mark.
Many examples of Daz’s Remote Viewing projects and participation can be found on this website and on many others where he has participated in public demonstrations of Remote Viewing. This includes large projects such as years of work at The Farsight Institute for Courtney Brown on the Climate change project, Multiple Universe Project and the Mysteries project and others.