Articles and Papers


Articles and Papers



  1. Escolà-Gascón, Á., H. J., D. N., D. K., & D. A (2023). Follow-up on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) remote viewing experiments. Brain and Behavior, e3026. pdf.. 
  2. Katz, P. E. T. & D. (2023). Remote Viewing: A 1974-2022 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 37(3), 467-489. pdf.. 


  1. Katz, D. L. and Tressoldi, P. (2022). Remote Viewing Applications: A Survey of Present-Day RV Practitioners. Journal of Parapsychology, 86(1), 135-157. pdf.. 
  2. Wahbeh, H., F. N., S. P., H. L., A. E., & N. E. (2022). Qualitative analysis of first-person accounts of noetic experiences. F1000Research, 10, 497. pdf.. 


  1. Katz, D. L. (2021). Fridays with Ingo: Psychic and Scientist. Mindfield Bulletin, 13, 13-26. pdf.. 
  2. Katz, D. L.,; Lane, J. and Bulgatz, M. (2021). Effects of Background Context for Objects in Photographic Targets on Remote Viewing Performance. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 35(4), 756–790. pdf.. 
  3. Katz, D. L.; GrgIc´, I.; TressoldI, P. and Fendley, T.W. (2021). Associative Remote Viewing Projects: Assessing rater reliability and factors affecting successful predictions. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 85(2), 65–90. pdf.. 
  4. Kruth, J. G. (2021). Associative Remote Viewing for Profit: Evaluating the Importance of the Judge and the Investment Instrument. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 35(1). pdf.. 
  5. Müller, M. and Wittmann, M. (2021). Anomalous Cognition in the Context of Time: Does the Viewer Describe a Deterministic or a Probabilistic Future?. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 35(3), 542-569. pdf.. 
  6. Escolà-Gascón, Á., D. N., & G. J. (2021). The Multivariable Multiaxial Suggestibility Inventory-2 (MMSI-2): A Psychometric Alternative to Measure and Explain Supernatural Experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 692194. pdf.. 


  1. Krippner, S.; Saunders, D. T.; Morgan, A. and Quan, A. (2020). Remote Viewing of Concealed Target Pictures Under Light and Dark Conditions. Explore (NY), 15(1), 27-37. pdf.. 
  2. Ballati, A.; Prati, E.; Pederzoli, L. and & Tressoldi, P. (2020). Remote Viewing with and without controlled Out-Of-Body Consciousness. Advanced Research in Psychology. pdf.. 
  3. Roe, C. A., C. C. E., H. L., H. A., K. L., and Martin, H. (2020). Performance at a Precognitive Remote Viewing Task, with and without Ganzfeld Stimulation: Three Experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 84, 38-65. pdf.. 


  1. Coronado, P. (2019). Perceiving Murder: Tales from a Psychic Detective. EdgeScience, 34, 36. pdf.. 
  2. Katz, D. L.; Smith, N.; Graff, D.; Bulgatz, M. and Lane, J. (2019). The associative remote dreaming experiment: A novel approach to predicting future outcomes of sporting events. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 83(2), 65-84. pdf.. 
  3. Mller, M. and Wittmann, (2019). Predicting the Stock Market: An Associative Remote Viewing Study. Zeitschrift fr Anomalistik, 19.
  4. Pederzoli, L.; Prati, E.; Ballati, A. and Tressoldi, P. (2019). Intuition and Remote Viewing: Ten Years of R & D And Applications for Public and Private Organizations. Convention of the Parapsychological Association Proceeds. pdf.. 
  5. Katz, D. L. (2019). In the Archives of a Many-Sided Man - Ingo Swann, the 'Father of Remote Viewing'. Eight Martinis Magazine, 17. pdf.. 


  1. Katz, D. L. (2018). Remote viewing training survey. Eight Martinis, 16, 45.
  2. Katz, D. L., G. I., & F. T (2018). W. An ethnographical assessment of Project Firefly: A yearlong endeavor to create wealth by predicting FOREX currency moves with associative remote viewing. Journal of Scientific Exploration ), 32(1)2154.
  3. Krippner, S.; Saunders, D.; Morgan, A. and Quan, A. (2018). Remote viewing of concealed target pictures under light and dark conditions. Explore: the Journal of Science and Healing, pp. 27-37.
  4. May, E. C. and Marwaha, S. B. (2018). The Stargate Archives: Reports of the United States Government sponsored psi program. Volume, 1.


  1. Graff, D. E. and Cyrus, P. S. (2017). Perceiving the future news: Evidence for retrocausation. Conference Proceedings 030001, American Institute of Physics: Quantum Retrocausation III, 1841.
  2. Storm, L.; Sherwood, S.; Roe, C.; Tressoldi, P.; Rock, A. J. and Di Risio, L. (2017). On the correspondence between dream content and target material under laboratory conditions: A meta-analysis of dream-ESP studies, 19662016. International Journal of Dream Research, 10(2), 120140.
  3. Katz, D. L.; Bulgatz, M. and McLaughlin-Walter, N. (2017). Predicting the 2016 Presidential Election using a double blind remote viewing protocol. Eight Martini’s Magazine, 15, 4-15. pdf.. 


  1. Fendley, T. W. (2016). WWC Group Sets the Pace in Associate Remote Viewing. Eight Martinis Magazine, 14.


  1. Katz, D. L.; Beem, L. and Fendley, T. W. (2015). Explorations into remote viewing microscopic organisms The Phage. Aperture, 26, 42-49.
  2. Rosenblatt, R.; Knowles, J. and Poquiz, A. (2015). Applied Precognition Project (APP) and a Summary of APP-2014. Connections Through Time, 38, 2015.


  1. Smith, C.; Laham, D. and Moddell, G. (2014). Stock market prediction using associative remote viewing by inexperienced viewers background and motivation. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 28(1), 716.
  2. Roney-Dougal, S.; Adrian, R. and Luke, D. (2014). The Relationship Between Local Geomagnetic Activity and Psychic Awareness. Journal of Parapsychology, 78(2), 235-254. pdf.. 


  1. Katz, D. L. and Bulgatz, M. (2013). Remote viewers predict the outcome of the 2012 presidential election. Aperture, 23, 46-51.


  1. Kolodziejzyk, G. (2012). Thirteen-year associative remote viewing experiment results. Journal of Parapsychology, 76(2), 349-368.
  2. McDonald, C. (2012). Understanding participatory action research: A qualitative research methodology option. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 13(2), 34-50.


  1. Bem, D. J. (2011). Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100, 407-425. pdf.. 


  1. Morris, Douglas. A. (2010). Anomalous Human Cognition: A Possible Role within the Crucible of Intelligence Collection. National Defense Intelligence College (Master's Thesis). pdf.. 


  1. Hoffman, D. D. (2008). Conscious Realism and the Mind-Body Problem. Mind & Matter, 6(1), 87-121. pdf.. 


  1. Lee, J. H. (2007). Remote viewing as applied to futures studies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. pdf.. 
  2. Smith, P. H. (2007). They Think They Know. RVIS, Inc. (white paper). pdf.. 
  3. Graff, D. E. (2007). Explorations in precognitive dreaming. Journal of Scientific Explorations, 21(4), 707-722.


  1. May, E. (2006). Anomalous Cognition: Two Protocols for Data Collection and Analysis. Laboratories for Fundamental Research (white paper). pdf.. 
  2. Schoenmann, J. (2006). Mind's-Eye Spy: One reporter's staggering trip through the wormhole of remote viewing. Las Vegas Life, May, 2006, 96-100.


  1. Jahn, R. G. and Dunne, B. J. (2005). The PEAR proposition. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 19(2), 195-245. pdf.. 
  2. Schwartz, S. A. (2005). The blind protocol and its place in consciousness research. Explore, 1(4), 284-9. pdf.. 


  1. Chadda, S. (2004). India successful in using remote viewing techniques and satellite technologies for counterintelligence and strategic intelligence. India Daily, December, 13, 2004.
  2. May, E. and McMoneagle, J (2004). The Possible Role of Intention, Attention and Expectation in Remote Viewing. Parapsychological Association Meeting, Vienna, Austria 2004. pdf.. 


  1. Dunne, B. J. and Jahn, R. G (2003). Information and uncertainty in remote perception research. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 17(2), 207-241. pdf.. 
  2. Storm, L. (2003). Remote Viewing by Committee: RV Using a Multiple Agent / Multiple Percipient Design. The Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association, 67, 325-342. pdf.. 
  3. Sherwood, S. and Roe, C. A. (2003). A review of dream ESP studies conducted since the Maimonides dream ESP programme. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 10(67), 85-109.


  1. Koren, S. A. and Persinger, M. A (2002). Possible disruption of remote viewing by complex weak magnetic fields around the stimulus site and the possibility of accessing real phase space: a pilot study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 95(3 Pt 1), 989-98.
  2. Persinger, M. A. and Roll, W. G (2002). Remote viewing with the artist Ingo Swann: neuropsychological profile, electroencephalographic correlates, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and possible mechanisms. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 94(3 Pt 1), 927-49. pdf.. 
  3. Radin, D. (2002). Preliminary Analysis of a Suite of Informal Web-Based Psi Experiments. Boundary Institute and Institute of Noetic Sciences (white paper). pdf.. 
  4. Shoup, R. (2002). Anomalies and Constraints: Can Clairvoyance, Precognition, and Psychokinesis Be Accommodated within Known Physics?. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 16(1), 3-18. pdf.. 
  5. Srinivasan, M. (2002). Clairvoyant Remote Viewing: The US Sponsored Psychic Spying. Strategic Analysis, Monthly Journal of the IDSA (India).


  1. Bremseth, C. L. R. (2001). Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendent and Asymmetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing. Graduate thesis, Marine Corps War College, Marine Corps University, Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Quantico, VA. pdf.. 
  2. Millay, J. (2001). The influence of psychedelics on remote viewing. Maps, XI(1).
  3. Puthoff, H. E. (2001). CIA-initiated remote viewing at Stanford Research Institute, Intelligencer: J. of U. Intelligence Studies, Summer, 2001, 60-67. pdf.. 
  4. Rauscher, E. A. and Targ, R. (2001). The speed of thought: Investigation of a complex space-time metric to describe psychic phenomena. J. of Scientific Exploration, 15(3), 331-354. pdf.. 
  5. Smith, P. H. (2001). Science, Not Magic. The Intelligencer: Journal of the U.S. Intelligence Studies, 12(1), 68-72. pdf.. 
  6. Millay, J. (2001). The Influence of Psychedelics on Remote Viewing. Maps, 11(1). pdf.. 


  1. Kokubo, H. et al. (2000). Analysis of electrodermal activity (EDA) in remote perception using electromagnetic shield cage. Journal of the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS), 18(1).
  2. May, E. C.; Spottiswoode, J. P. and Faith, L. V. (2000). The Correlation of the Gradient of Shannon Entropy and Anomalous Cognition: Toward an AC Sensory System. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 14(1), 53-72. pdf.. 
  3. Radin, D. (2000). Time-reversed human experience: Experimental evidence and implications. Boundary Institute (white paper). pdf.. 
  4. Schwartz, S.; Spottiswoode, J.; May, C. and Utts, J. (2000). An Anomalous Cognition Protocol Employing Fuzzy-Set Theory To Accelerate Breakthroughs In Disease Process Research. white paper. pdf.. 
  5. Targ, R. and Katra, J. E (2000). Remote viewing in a group setting. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 14(1), 107-114. pdf.. 
  6. May, E. C.; Spottiswoode, J. P. and Faith, L. V. (2000). A correlation of the gradient of Shannon entropy and anomalous cognition: Toward an AC sensory system. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 14(1), 53-72.
  7. Rosenblatt, M. (2000). Applications: AVM Precognition Project: Summary of results for Protocol-1. Connections Through Time, 7.


  1. Kress, K. A. (1999). Parapsychology in intelligence: A personal review and conclusions. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 13(1), 69-85. pdf.. 
  2. May, E.; Faith, L. and Blackman, M., et al (1999). A Target Pool and Database forAnomalous Cognition Experiments. Parapsychological Association Meeting, Stanford, CA 1999. pdf.. 
  3. Targ, R. (1999). Comments on 'Parapsychology in intelligence: A personal review and conclusions'. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 13(1), 87-90.
  4. Wiseman, R. and Milton, J (1999). Experiment One of the SAIC Remote Viewing Program: A critical re-evaluation. Reply to May. Journal of Parapsychology, 63(1), 3-14. pdf.. 


  1. May, E. C. (1998). Response to 'Experiment One of the SAIC Remote Viewing Program: A Critical Re-evaluation'. Journal of Parapsychology, 62, 309-318.
  2. Nelson, R. D.; Jahn, R. G.; Dunne, B. J.; Dobyns, Y. H. and Bradish, G. J. (1998). FieldREG II: Consciousness Field Effects: Replications and Explorations. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 12(3), 425-454. pdf.. 
  3. Schwartz, S. (1998). ESPD Blue. Intuition Magazine, pp. 26-31. pdf.. 
  4. Wiseman, R. and Milton, J (1998). Experiment One of the SAIC remote viewing program: A critical re-evaluation. Journal of Parapsychology, 62(4), 297-308. pdf.. 


  1. Kokubo, H. et al. (1997). A study on remote anomalous cognition with judgment and measurements of auditory evoked potential and EEG. Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS), 15(1), 97-102.
  2. McMoneagle, J. W. (1997). Perceptions of a paranormal subject. Journal of Parapsychology, 61(2), 97-118.
  3. Spottiswoode, S. J. P. (1997). Apparent association between effect size in free response anomalous cognition experiments and local sidereal time. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 11(2), 109-122. pdf.. 
  4. Spottiswoode, S. J. P. (1997). Geomagnetic fluctuations and free-response anomalous cognition: A new understanding. Journal of Parapsychology, 61(1), 3-12. pdf.. 


  1. Hyman, R. (1996). Evaluation of a program on anomalous mental phenomena. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 31-58. pdf.. 
  2. May, E. C. (1996). The American Institutes for Research Review of the Department of Defense's Star Gate Program: A Commentary. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1). pdf.. 
  3. May, E. C. (1996). The American Institutes for Research review of the Department of Defense's Star Gate program: A commentary. Journal of Parapsychology, 60(1), 3-23.
  4. May, E. C. and N. D. Lantz, et al. (1996). Feedback considerations in anomalous cognition experiment. Journal of Parapsychology, 60(3), 211-226. pdf.. 
  5. Nelson, R. D. and B. J. Dunne, et al. (1996). Precognitive remote perception: Replication of remote viewing. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 109-110. pdf.. 
  6. Nelson, R. D.; Dunne, B. J; Dobyns, Y. H and Jahn, R. G (1996). Precognitive Remote Perception: Replication of Remote Viewing. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 109-110. pdf.. 
  7. Puthoff, H. E. (1996). CIA-initiated remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 63-76. pdf.. 
  8. Rifat, T. (1996). Remote Viewing: The ESP of ESPionage. Nexus, October-November, 15-20.
  9. Smith, P. H. (1996). Bologna on Wry Bread - A Review of the A.I.R. Report. RVIS, Inc. (white paper - part 1 of 4). pdf.. 
  10. Smith, P. H. (1996). A Second Helping - A Review of the A.I.R. Report. RVIS, Inc. (white paper - part 2 of 4). pdf.. 
  11. Smith, P. H. (1996). Scraps And Crumbs - A Review of the A.I.R. Report. RVIS, Inc. (white paper - part 3 of 4). pdf.. 
  12. Smith, P. H. (1996). Addendums and Corrections - A Review of the A.I.R. Report. RVIS, Inc. (white paper - part 4 of 4). pdf.. 
  13. Targ, R. (1996). Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute in the 1970's - A Memoir. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 77-78. pdf.. 
  14. Utts, J. (1996). Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 31-58. pdf.. 
  15. Utts, J. (1996). An assessment of the evidence for psychic functioning. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 3-30. pdf.. 
  16. Utts, J. (1996). Response to Ray Hyman's Report of September 11, 1995 'Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena'. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 59-61.
  17. Utts, J. M. (1996). An assessment of the evidence for psychic functioning. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), 330.


  1. Hyman, R. (1995). Evaluation of the program on anomalous mental phenomena. Journal of Parapsychology 59, pp. 59.
  2. May, E. and Vilenskaya, L. (1995). Overview Of Current Parapsychology Research In The Former Soviet Union: A Follow Up. Subtle Energies, 4(3), 231. pdf.. 
  3. May, E. and Vilenskaya, L. (1995). Overview Of Current Parapsychology Research In The Former Soviet Union. Subtle Energies, 3(3), 45. pdf.. 
  4. Mumford, M.; Rose, A. and Goslin, D. (1995). An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications. The American Institutes for Research (white paper). pdf.. 
  5. Schnabel, J. (1995). Tinker, tailor, soldier, psi. The Independent, 27 August 1995, pp. 10-12.
  6. Targ, R.; Katra, J.; Brown, D. and Wiegand, W. (1995). Viewing the Future: A Pilot Study with an Error-Detecting Protocol. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 9(3), 367-380. pdf.. 
  7. Utts, J. (1995). An assessment of the evidence for psychic functioning. Journal of Parapsychology(59). pdf.. 
  8. Targ, R.; Kantra, J.; Brown, D. and Wiegand, W. (1995). Viewing the future: A pilot study with an error-detecting protocol. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 9(3), 367-380.


  1. Bem, D.; ., J and Honorton, Charles. (1994). Does psi exist? Replicable evidence for an anomalous process of information transfer. Psychological Bulletin, 115(1), 4-18. pdf.. 
  2. Hansen, G. P. and J. Utts, et al. (1994). Statistical and Methodological Problems of the PEAR Remote Viewing Experiments. Research in Parapsychology 1991, pp. 103-105.
  3. Lantz, N.; Luke, W. L and May, E. (1994). Target and Sender Dependencies in Anomalous Cognition Experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 58, 285-302. pdf.. 
  4. May, E.; Spottiswoode, J. and James, C. (1994). Managing the Target-Pool Bandwidth: Possible Noise Reduction for Anomalous Cognition Experiements. The Journal of Parapsychology, 58. pdf.. 
  5. May, E.; Spottiswoode, J. and James, C. (1994). Shannon entropy: A possible intrinsic target property. Journal of Parapsychology, 58, 384-401. pdf.. 
  6. Targ, R. (1994). Remote-Viewing Replication: Evaluated by Concept Analysis. Journal of Parapsychology, 58, 271-284.


  1. Krippner, S. (1993). The Maimonides ESP-dream studies. Journal of Parapsychology, 57(1), 39-54.
  2. Swann, I. (1993). On remote viewing, UFOs and extraterrestrials. Fate Magazine, 46(9), 73-82.


  1. Becker, R. O. (1992). Electromagnetism and Psi Phenomena. J. of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86(1), 1-17.
  2. Dobyns, Y.; .Dunne, B.Dunn; Jahn, R and Nelson, R (1992). Response to Hansen, Utts, and Markwick: Statistical and methodological problems of the PEAR remote viewing experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 56, 115-146. pdf.. 
  3. Hansen, G. P. (1992). The Research with B.D. and the Legacy of Magical Ignorance. Journal of Parapsychology, 56, 307-333.
  4. Hansen, G. P.; Utts, J and Markwick, B. (1992). Critique of the PEAR remote-viewing experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 56(2), 97-114.
  5. Harary, K. (1992). Response to reply of Schwartz and de Mattei to 'On the discovery of an American brig'. Paper, presumably submitted to Haspr. Harary, K. (1992). Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86, 375-410. pdf.. 


  1. Hansen, G. P.; Utts, J. and Markwick, B. (1991). Statistical and Methodological Problems of the PEAR Remote Viewing Experiments. Research in Parapsychology 1991, pp. 103-105.


  1. Berezin, A. A. (1990). News on quantum foundations of consciousness. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 70(930).
  2. May, E. and Utts, J., et al. (1990). Advances in remote-viewing analysis. Journal of Parapsychology, 54, 193-228. pdf.. 
  3. May, E.; Utts, J. M.; Humphrey, B. S.; Luke, W. W.; Frivold, T. J. and Trask, V. (1990). Advances in remote viewing analysis. Journal of Parapsychology, 54(3), 193-228.


  1. Hearne, K. (1989). A forced-choice remote viewing experiment. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 55, 275-277.
  2. Humphrey, B. and Utts, J. (1989). Fuzzy set technology in the analysis of remote viewing. Research in Parapsychology 1988, pp. 78.
  3. Jahn, R. G. and Dunne, B. J. (1989). On the role of consciousness in random physical processes. In The Concept of Probability, pp. 167-178.
  4. May, E.; Utts, J. and Trask, V., et al (1989). Review of the Psychoenergetic Research Conducted at SRI International 1973-1988. SRI International (declassified). pdf.. 
  5. Sondow, N. (1989). Approaches to the target: Quantifying free response esp and complications from the scanning hypothesis. Paper, Parapsychological Association, San Diego, California, pp. 227-238.


  1. Dunne, B. J.; Nelson, R. D. and Jahn, R. G. (1988). Operator-related anomalies in a random mechanical cascade. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2(2), 155-179. pdf.. 
  2. Hyman, R. (1988). Psi experiments: do the best parapsychological experiments justify the claims for psi?. Experientia, 44(4), 315-22.
  3. May, E and Trask, V. (1988). Forced-choice remote viewing. SRI International (declassified). pdf.. 
  4. Schwartz, S. A. and De Mattei, R. (1988). The Discovery of an American Brig: Fieldwork Involving Applied Archaeological Remote Viewing. Research in Parapsychology. pdf.. 
  5. Scott, C. (1988). Remote viewing. Experientia, 44(4), 322-6.
  6. Vallee, J. (1988). Remote Viewing and Computer Communications - An Experiment. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2(1), 13-27. pdf.. 


  1. Edwards, B. (1987). Problem solving through drawing. Step-by-Step Graphics, September-October, 1987, 106-109.
  2. Hansen, G. P. and Utts, J. (1987). Use of both sum of ranks and direct hits in free-response psi experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 51, 321-335. pdf.. 
  3. Jahn, R. G.; Dunne, B. J. and Nelson, R. D. (1987). Engineering Anomalies Research. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 1(1), 21-50. pdf.. 
  4. McLenon, J. and Hyman, R. (1987). A remote viewing experiment conducted by a skeptic and a believer. Journal of the Center for Scientific Anomalies Research, 12/13, 21-34.
  5. Schwartz, S. A. and Mattei, R. J. D (1987). The Caravel Project. Research in Parapsychology 1987, pp. 100-101. pdf.. 


  1. Houck, J. (1986). Associative Remote Viewing. Archaeus, 4, 31-37. pdf.. 
  2. Houck, J. and Rauscher, E. (1986). Addendum to "Los Angeles Area to San Francisco Bay Area Remote Perception Experiment": A reevaluation. PSI Research, 5(108).
  3. Hubbard, G. and Puthoff, H. E. (1986). Possible production of photons during a remote-viewing task: Preliminary results. Research in Parapsychology 1985, pp. 66-70.
  4. Hubbard, S. and Langford, G. (1986). A Suggested Remote Viewing Training Procedure. SRI International (declassified). pdf.. 
  5. Jahn, R. G. and Dunne, B. (1986). On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness, With Application to Anomalous Phenomen. Foundations of Physics, 16(8), 721-772. pdf.. 
  6. Marks, D. and Scott, C. (1986). Remote Viewing Exposed. Nature, 319, 444.
  7. Smith, P. H. (1986). DIA Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual. DIA 1986.
  8. Targ, E. and Targ, R. (1986). A study of the accuracy of paranormal perception as a function of varying target probabilities. Research in Parapsychology, pp. 33-36.
  9. Targ, E. and Targ, R. (1986). Accuracy of paranormal perception as a function of varying target probabilities. Journal of Parapsychology, 50, 17-28.
  10. Targ, E.; Targ, R. and Lichtarge, O. (1986). Realtime clairvoyance: A Study of Remote Viewing Without Feedback. Research in Parapsychology 1985, pp. 36-39.
  11. Houck, J. (1986). Associative remote viewing. Archaeus, 4, 3137.


  1. Harary, K. and Targ, R. (1985). A New Approach to Forecasting Commodity Futures. PSI Research, September/December 1985, 79-85.
  2. Houck, J. (1985). Applications of paranormal abilities. Artifex, 4(6), 5-8.
  3. McNear, T. (1985). Coordinate Remote Viewing and Beyond. SRI International (declassified). pdf.. 
  4. Targ, E.; Targ, R. and Lichtarge, O. (1985). Realtime clairvoyance: A Study of Remote Viewing Without Feedback. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 79, 493-500.
  5. Targ, R.; Targ, E. and Lichtarge, O. (1985). Realtime Clairvoyance: A Study of Remote Viewing Without Feedback. The Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association, pp. 335-342.
  6. Tart, C. (1985). Through time and space: USSR to USA remote viewing. The Open Mind, 2(5), 7.
  7. Harary, K. and Targ, R. (1985). A new approach to forecasting commodity futures. Psi Research, 4, 79-85.


  1. Editors, t. (1984). An E.S.P. Gap, Exploring Psychic Weapons. Time, January, 23, 1984.
  2. Hansen, G.; Schlitz, M. and Tart, C. T (1984). Summary of remote viewing experiments. In R. Targ, and K. Harary, The Mind Race., pp. 265-269.
  3. Larson, E. (1984). Did Psychic Powers Give Firm a Killing in the Silver Market?. Wall Street Journal, Oct 22, 1984, pp. 1.
  4. May, E. C. (1984). Psychokinetic Research at SRI. In Proceedings of a Symposium on Applications of Anomalous Phenomena, Leesburg, Virginia, pp. 107-126.
  5. Schlitz, M. J. and Haight, J. (1984). Remote viewing revisited: An intrasubject replication. Journal of Parapsychology, 48(1), 39-49. pdf.. 
  6. Targ, R.; Targ, E. and Harary, K. (1984). Moscow-San Francisco Remote Viewing Experiment. Psi Research, 3(3/4), 74-82.
  7. Tart, C. (1984). Remote viewing for everybody: A review of Russell Targ and Keith Harary, The Mind Race. Psi Research, 3(2), 122-129.
  8. Larson, E. (1984). Did Psychic Powers Give Firm a Killing In the Silver Market? And Did Greed Ruin It All? Californians Switch Over To an Extrasensory Switch. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition), 22, 1984.


  1. Jahn, R. G. (1982). The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective. Proceedings of the IEEE, 70(2), 136-170. pdf.. 
  2. Schlitz, M.; Haight, J. M. and Weiner, D. (1982). Long distance remote viewing: A conceptual replication. Research in Parapsychology, pp. 185-187.
  3. Scott, C. (1982). No `Remote Viewing' (Letter). Nature, 298, 414.
  4. Targ, R. and Morris, R. L (1982). Note on a reanalysis of the UCSB remote-viewing experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 46(1), 47-50.


  1. Marks, D. (1981). Sensory cues invalidate remote viewing experiments. Nature, 292(5819), 177.
  2. Puthoff, H. and Targ, R. (1981). Rebuttal of criticisms of remote viewing experiments. Nature, 292(5821), 388.
  3. Puthoff, H. E.; Targ, R. and May, E. C. (1981). Experimental Psi Research: Implications for Physics. The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World: AAAS Selected Symposium 57, American Association for the Advancement of Science: Boulder,, pp. 37-86.
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