A Brief Timeline of Remote Viewing and IRVA

Mind to Mind
René Warcollier publishes his book La Telepathie describing telepathic principles of remote communication of emotions, images, and sensations.

Mental Radio
Upton Sinclair publishes his book Mental Radio describing experimental telepathic communication of images, launching the field of Parapsychology.
Psychokinesis Research
Ingo Swann begins psychokinesis research with Cleve Backster at his Times Square lab in New York City.

Gertrude Schmeidler’s Experiments
Swann participates in psychokinesis experiments in Gertrude Schmeidler's lab; also participates in OBE experiments.

ASPR “Remote Viewing” Experiments
First remote viewing experiment (describing weather in Tucson, AZ from ASPR offices in NYC). Term "Remote Viewing" is adopted.

ASPR “Beacon” Experiments
First beacon experiments (also conducted at ASPR)
Swann and Puthoff Introduced
Cleve Backster shows Swann a letter from Hal Puthoff, Ph.D. at Stanford Research Institute. Swann and Puthoff communicate.

Magnetometer Experiment at SRI
Swann/Puthoff magnetometer / quark-detector equipment experiment in physics building at Stanford University.
CIA Reviews SRI Experiment
Puthoff communicates with Kit Green, Central Intelligence Agency, concerning the magnetometer experiment results.

CIA Conducts Trials
Under Puthoff's supervision, CIA representatives conduct first evaluation trials with Swann. Russell Targ visits Puthoff at SRI.
CIA Research Contract
CIA awards SRI $50K exploratory contract.
Price & Swann View NSA
Pat Price and Ingo Swann remote view NSA's Sugar Grove facility in West Virginia.
Price Views Semipalatinsk
Pat Price's operational remote viewing of a facility near Semipalatinsk in USSR conducted.
Targ & Puthoff Publish in Nature
Russell Targ and Hall Puthoff publish article on remote viewing research in Nature.
Air Force Funds SRI Program
Air Force Foreign Technology Division becomes the primary funder of SRI research program, with Dale Graff supervising.
CIA Terminates Funding
CIA terminates involvement in and funding of remote viewing.
Edwin May Joins SRI Program
Dr. Edwin May joins RV program at SRI International.
Targ & Puthoff Publish in IEEE
Puthoff and Targ publish a major article about remote viewing in Proceedings of IEEE.

Project Deepquest
Founding of Mobius Group; Project Deepquest - a submarine RV experiment is jointly conducted by SRI International / Stephan Schwartz.

Gondola Wish
US Army's remote viewing program GONDOLA WISH is established by Lt. F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater at the direction of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson.

Grill Flame Viewers
Selection of remote viewers for GRILL FLAME. Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, and three others are included.

Grill Flame
GONDOLA WISH name is changed to GRILL FLAME.
INSCOM Parapsychology Program
US Army's INSCOM is tasked by the ACSI with developing a parapsychology program.
Alexandria Project
Stephan Schwartz conducts Alexandria Project, a remote viewing archaeology project in Egypt. His book Alexandria Project is subsequently published.

Missing Soviet TU-22 Located
Remote viewers working with Dale Graff at Wright-Patterson AFB and at SRI correctly locate downed Soviet TU-22 reconnaissance aircraft.

US Army Goes Operational
First Army-conducted operational remote viewing session performed.
DIA Remote Viewing Program
Air Force Chief of Staff cancels AF RV program; Dale Graff joins Defense Intelligence Agency as principal staff officer for remote viewing effort.

Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV)
Puthoff and Swann develop Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) architecture.

CRV Training
With Swann as instructor, two individuals (Tom McNear and Rob Cowart) begin first CRV training.

Center Lane
US Army's RV project's name is changed to CENTER LANE.
Charlene Cavanaugh
Charlene Cavanaugh joins the Ft. Meade RV unit in August,Hal Puthoff
Hal Puthoff, Ph.D. leaves SRI International to take directorship of Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin, TX.

Edwin May
Edwin May, Ph.D. becomes director of SRI's program.
Caravel Project
Caravel Project, an underwater archaeology project conducted by Stephan Schwartz.

Sun Streak
After a year of holding operational control, DIA takes formal control of the military operational RV program, and renames it SUN STREAK. Ed Dames joins RV unit.

Brig Leander Project
Brig Leander Project, an underwater archaeology project conducted by Stephan Schwartz.
Star Gate
Dale Graff becomes chief of the Ft. Meade RV unit, and changes project name to STAR GATE.

Edwin May moves RV research program from SRI International to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC).
Everybody’s Guide to Natural ESP
SRI Remote Viewer and Coordinate Remote Viewing developer, Ingo Swann's book Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind is published.Dale Graff
Dale Graff retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.

Star Gate moves to CIA
Wording added to Federal Y95 budget transferring control of STAR GATE from DIA to CIA.
AIR Report
CIA begins Congressionally directed evaluation of RV as an intelligence tool. American Institutes of Research is hired to do a "scientific" study; in the report officially published in Sep the AIR concludes that RV has no value as an intelligence tool. Significant questions are raised about the completeness and accuracy of the AIR study.
Star Gate Cancelled
CIA cancels STAR GATE program. The five remaining personnel are reassigned to other jobs in the government.
The Real X-Files
Jim Schnabel/Channel Four TV's The Real X-Files: America's Psychic Spies appears as a prime time special in the UK. Interviewed are Gen. Ed Thompson, Hal Puthoff, John Alexander, Mel Riley, Lyn Buchanan, Ed Dames, former CIA director Stansfield Turner.
Ted Koppel's Nightline discusses existence of government remote viewing effort. Interviewed are former CIA director Robert Gates, Dale Graff, Edwin May, Joe McMoneagle, etc.

Art Bell
Remote Viewing is featured in many media articles and broadcasts, and becomes a featured item on Art Bell's and other talk shows.
Psychic Warrior
Ft. Meade military remote viewer, David Morehouse's book Psychic Warrior is published.

Remote Viewers
The book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies by Jim Schnabel is published.

Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness
Ft. Meade Unit Commander, Dale Graff's book Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, ESP, Precognitive Dreaming, and Synchronicity is published.
CRV Conference
First remote viewing conference: CRV Conference hosted by Lyn Buchanan's training company, P>S>I. Featured speakers: Russell Targ, John Alexander.

IRVA 2000
Year 2000 Remote Viewing Conference in Mesquite, NV. Featured speakers: Charles T. Tart, Jessica Utts, Larry Dossey, Marcello Truzzi.

Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul
Ft. Meade Unit Commander, F. Holmes (Skip) Atwater's book Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul: Living With Guidance is published.

IRVA 2001
First IRVA sponsored Remote Viewing Conference. Held at Texas, Station Las Vegas, NV. Featured speakers: Edgar Mitchell, Dean Radin, Jeffrey Mishlove.
IRVA 2002
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Austin, TX, celebrating 30 years of remote viewing. Featured speakers: Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff, Dale Graff, Cleve Backster.
The Seventh Sense
Ft. Meade military viewer, Lyn Buchanan's book The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a "Psychic Spy" for the U.S. Military is published.
IRVA 2003
Joint sponsorship of Remote Viewing Conference with the A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, VA. Featured speakers: Charles Cayce, James Spottiswoode, Hal Puthoff, and Dale Graff.
IRVA 2004
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Featured speakers: Ingo Swann, and Daryl Bem.
Reading the Enemy’s Mind
Ft. Meade military viewer, Paul H. Smith's book Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate: America's Psychic Espionage Program is published.
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. elected President of IRVA.
IRVA 2006
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Featured speakers: Ingo Swann, William Tiller, and Dean Radin.
IRVA 2007
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Featured speakers: Jacques Vallee, Jessica Utts, and George McMullen.
IRVA 2009
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Featured speakers: Roger Nelson, John Alexander, Skip Atwater, and Dale Graff.
Tell Me What You See
Ft. Meade military viewer, Ed Dames' book Tell Me What You See: Remote Viewing Cases from the World's Premier Psychic Spy is published.

IRVA 2010
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Featured speakers: Jim Channon, Donald Hoffman, and Brenda Dunne.
Limitless Mind
SRI remote viewing researcher, Russell Targ's book Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness is published.

The René Warcollier Prize
First René Warcollier Prize Awarded to Lance William Beem, principal investigator, and co-investigators, Debra Katz, Melvin Morse, MD, and John Peter Thompson.
IRVA 2012
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Keynote Speaker: Kit Green, M.D.,Ph.D. Featured Speakers: Jim Channon, and Tom McNear.

The René Warcollier Prize
Remote Searching; An Evaluation of Dowsing and Intuition: Robert Price, Ph.D., James L, King, Jan. E. Six, Ph.D.
IRVA 2014
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Keynote Speaker: Eben Alexander, M.D., Featured Speakers: Nancy Du Tertre, John G. Kruth, and John Kortum.
IRVA 2015
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in New Orleans, LA. Keynote Speaker: Hal Puthoff, Ph.D., Featured Speakers: Dale Graff, Noreen Renier, Daniel P. Sheehan, Ph.D.

The René Warcollier Prize
The Effects of Background Conditions within Pictorial Target and Remote Viewer’s Object Recognition: Debra Katz, Michelle Bulgatz.
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D.
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. elected President of IRVA for a second term.

IRVA 2016
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference in New Orleans, LA. Keynote Speaker: Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D., Featured Speakers: David Barnes, Gary Arnold, and Nancy Smith.

IRVA 2017
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference. Featured Speakers: Gail Husick, Debra Katz, Elly Molina, Jon Noble.
The René Warcollier Prize
Associative Remote Viewing: A Proof of Principle Study; Maximilian Muller, Laura Muller, Marc Wittmann, Ph.D., Helmut Schmidt.
IRVA 2018
Joint IRVA/SSE Remote Viewing Conference. Featured Speakers: Stanley Krippner, Pam Coronado, John Cook, Gail Husick, Maximilian Müller, Dale E. Graff.
The René Warcollier Prize
Associations Among Experience, Confidence, Transliminality and Ability to Locate and Describe Targets in Experienced Remote Viewers: Jennifer Lyke, Ph.D.
IRVA 2020
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference. Featured Speakers: Lyn Buchanan, Hal Puthoff, Stephan Schwartz, Paul H. Smith, Angela Thompson Smith, Nick Cook.
IRVA 2021
IRVA Remote Viewing Conference, Rhinebeck New York. Featured Speakers: Patty Gallagher, Lori Lambert Williams, Nancy McLaughlin-Walter.