Glenn B. Wheaton, Sergeant First Class, US Army (ret.), is the co-founder and president of the non-profit Hawaii Remote Viewer’s Guild dedicated to the research and training of remote viewing; and a director of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA). He is a retired military intelligence professional having served in the Army Security Agency and later in Special Forces. He retired in 1993 as Senior SIGINT Advisor for the 1st Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, and currently works in Honolulu as a radio frequency engineer. He is a former board member and past president of IRVA.
Glenn B. Wheaton

IRVA 2016 – 20 Years Inside the Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild
Direction-finding, masking and entrainment, and using the synergy of group dynamics to enhance success: sharing twenty years of archival footage and project work, Glenn Wheaton, President of the Hawaii Remote Viewers Guild will guide you through the evolution of development and training of a dedicated group of successful remote viewers. Whether you are a novice viewer or seasoned professional, you will be entertained and enlightened by the pivotal progress points in our journey and get a sneak peek at our ongoing projects.
IRVA 2015 – Target Signatures in RV Imagery – Presentation by HRVG Inc.
This presentation is intended to highlight imagery produced by remote viewers and provide an understanding of analytic possibilities not normally considered in handling remote viewing data.
This emphasis, in this presentation, is that seldom is remote viewing imagery WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). Examples of remote viewing imagery will be displayed showing varying degrees of successful data captures relevant to the target actually tasked. Simple concepts involving imagery analysis will be introduced, with examples given showing a new way to look at and consider imagery produced by the remote viewer. The presentation will also introduce the concept of coding site sketches as well other imagery produced by the viewer.
Briefly this presentation will hit on the need for an analytic approach to handling imagery to obtain an understanding of how the remote viewer is processing their visual data in the collection process.
IRVA 2014 – HRVG Presents: “Cloak & Dagger”
For almost 2 years viewer’s from HRVG have been immersed in the skill sets of the Cold War spies of the 60’s and the 70’s. Learning to encrypt and decrypt messages to be hidden or retrieved, learning to follow and not be followed. From dead letter drops, language training and training using communications equipment, they plodded along not knowing exactly why. The why of it was the introduction of a tasking concept introduced to the protocol designed to enable the viewer’s to go back in time and capture the faces of the silent spies as they sat in front of their radios listening to the voices of the night from behind the Iron Curtain. The concept is titled “The Temporal Assumption” and is the evolution of a tasking dynamic of work done a decade ago using ambient noise to task the viewer. HRVG takes the work of the viewers and processes their images through a forensic artistto portrait these spies of a time long past. Besides the visuals there will be an interesting audio experience to consider. The Temporal Assumption is the keystone of a collection protocol that leads to a conclusion that will surprise and hopefully amaze you. While the viewers do their job, perhaps the more important facts lie with our understanding of Tasking.
IRVA 2012 – Remote Viewing In the Future: 2112
Remote viewing is 40 years old. It is still young enough for us to examine its origin and methodology with the declassification of the Stargate Archives and the history from those who train the remote viewers of today. But what will remote viewing be like in the future? Will it be the same as it is today or will it be dramatically different? What might be the evolution of this unique communication skill? I will paint a new architecture of the remote viewing platform and what it will be like by the year 2112. We will look at the future viewer and their training as well as their environment and the science that will support them. Of interest to many will be the new capabilities of the viewers of the future and possibly a new defining of the remote viewing skill.
IRVA 2011 – Panel Discussion: Remote Viewing Promotion and Public Perception
Our distinguished international panel members are all practicing remote viewers that have one thing in common — a drive and a successful talent for promoting remote viewing and other psychic abilities to the public at large. They will explore the current public perception of remote viewing and psychic abilities, and share their perspectives on the responsible promotion of remote viewing to a wider audience. The panelists will discuss their past efforts at furthering public knowledge of remote viewing, what they are doing now, and their vision of what needs to be done in the future.
IRVA 2009 – Panel Discussion: Remote Viewing and the Nature of Consciousness
The nature of consciousness is a hot-button topic today. Psychologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, and other professionals continue to engage in an ongoing debate as to what consciousness means. In reality, we may never know. Is it a product of the biological and classical physical interactions of the human brain; or is it something more fundamental, perhaps electromagnetic, or the result of quantum physics principles that we don’t yet fully understand. Could it be something even more profound than that — something beyond the scope of science and physics, any kind of physics, for us to understand?
Because consciousness seems to play a central role in remote viewing, and the underlying faculty that makes remote viewing work may be central to consciousness, this year’s conference committee invites panel members with differing views and expertise to address this question: Just what is the connection between remote viewing and consciousness, and what does it tells us about human nature?
IRVA 2007 – Panel Discussion: A Remote Viewer’s Code of Ethics
Ethics as applied to remote viewing will be defined and explored by the panel with audience participation. Among the issues that will be discussed are targeting rules, what boundaries should be imposed on using the skill, and tasker as well as viewer ethics.