Since 2011, IRVA and iRiS Intuition have provided funds for supporting innovative research into remote viewing and related phenomena. The research activity that resulted from this financial Grant has varied from basic phenomenological investigations to projects involving remote viewing applications. It is anticipated that future projects facilitated by this Grant will continue to advance the understanding of remote viewing and the application potential.
This financial Grant provides an opportunity for the winner(s) to develop their remote viewing visions and gain unique experience in developing a research project form the concept phase through completion of the research goals. Achieving the research goals will be a significant event for the Grant winner(s) and can lead to new vocational or professional opportunities. New research ideas may be inspired by the IRVA -iRiS Intuition Grant projects.
The International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA), in partnership with iRiS Intuition, Paris
France, is pleased to announce the competition for an award for remote viewing (RV) research. This is a financial Grant is jointly created and shared by IRVA and iRiS Intuition and presented to the winner of a judged competition for the best research proposal investigating some aspect of remote viewing.
The Grant reflects the commitment of IRVA and iRiS Intuition to the development of remote viewing and the promotion of the highest standards in remote viewing research. The Grant provides a sum of $3,000 USD to the winning scientific experimental proposal.
Any competent researcher, regardless of institutional affiliation or academic background, may submit an application for the award. Employees, officers, and directors of IRVA and iRiS Intuition are not eligible for participation.
Application Requirements
Proposed research should directly involve remote viewing or investigate some aspect of human consciousness relevant to remote viewing.
All applications for the Grant must include:
- Cover Sheet: A completed IRVA and iRiS Intuition research application cover sheet. This may be prepared on a separate sheet of paper following the format presented on the example cover sheet. Using example cover sheet itself is not necessary.
- Biographical Addendum: A separate page with the biographical summary of the principal investigator(s) is to be included with the Cover Sheet.
- Proposal: An approximate two-page overview of what is being researched; how the research will be conducted; relevance to remote viewing; and how it will advance understanding of remote viewing and human consciousness.
- Experimental Design Document: Includes blinding, statistical, randomization, analysis, and other relevant protocols; research participant pool and selection procedures; and time line for experiment execution, and milestones.
- NOTE: The Protocol and Experimental Design Document must be submitted in PDF format and anonymized for judging. So please do NOT include any identifying information on any pages including headers or footers. Do NOT submit the Cover Sheet and the Biographical Addendum in PDF format.
- A sample participant consent form suitable for experimentation on human subjects for review by IRVA’s Institutional Review Board if applicable.
- An itemized budget showing anticipated expenses, with a list of additional sources and amounts of funding if budget exceeds award.
- The entire application package, consisting of application cover sheet with contact information, biographical addendum, proposal, experimental design document, consent form and budget, must not exceed 15 pages. Applications exceeding 15 pages in length will NOT be considered.
Application Submission
The submission package must be submitted by email irvaservices@gmail.com no later than midnight, Pacific Time, on the published submission date. Those that arrive after the closing date, or which do not fulfill the required criteria, may not be considered. Applicants will be notified as to the judges’ decision regarding their proposal as soon as possible after the closing date. The funds awarded will be available for research within two weeks after the winner announcement. In the event no entry is deemed suitable, the Grant will be available in the next cycle.
Evaluation Criteria
Judging will be by research evaluators selected by IRVA and iRiS Intuition. Evaluators will score each application on a scale of 1 to 5, in each of the following six areas for a possible total of 30 points:
- Relevance (from (1) not relevant to (5) very relevant). Applicant will make a compelling case for why the research project is relevant to the field of remote viewing and what is expected to be learned from the research.
- Potential to advance the field (rated from (1) little potential to (5) significant potential). Applicant will make a compelling case for why the research project will advance understanding of remote viewing and contribute to related aspects of human potential, consciousness and psi research in general.
- Understanding of prior research (rated from (1) poor to (5) excellent). Applicant will provide an organized, focused review of relevant prior research on which the study is built. This can include a brief summary of remote viewing research or remote viewing application investigations that provide a basis for the specific approaches in the research project.
- Methodology (from (1) flawed to (5) very sound). Applicant will provide a detailed rationale for the proposed protocol and experimental design, along with a clear and accurate description of how the design will help meet the purposes of the study. Applicant will indicate how standard scientific protocols will be applied.
- Feasibility of study (from (1) not feasible to (5) easily completed). Applicant will propose a study that can be completed within the specified time and budget constraints. Applicant will indicate how activity scheduling will be implemented and managed. Applicant will indicate how various support personnel are obtained and integrated into the research plan.
- Analytic plan (from (1) poor to (5) excellent). Applicant will detail a complete and appropriate plan to analyze the research data and how the
data analyzers are selected and scheduled.
The judges for evaluating the Proposals and Experimental Design Documents will score each application; the applications scores tallied; and the highest scoring application awarded the Grant. In the event of a tie, each judge will vote by ranking the tied applications. The application with the highest ranked score will be awarded the Grant. If no application exceeds a scoring threshold of two thirds of the total possible score the Grant will not be presented.
In addition to these evaluation criteria, the judges are requested to provide comments for each of their ratings, especially if improvements could be made. The IRVA Board of Directors will perform a final review of the winning proposal.
Reporting Requirements
- Winner agrees to perform the experiment, document all procedures and report results, whether positive, mixed, or negative.
- An Interim Report of 2-3 pages that identifies project status and potential issues to be submitted to the IRVA Board of Directors mid-way through the research period. The Board will be notified immediately for any unexpected delays or circumstances. If significant, the project may be terminated.
- The Final Report of the completed project is to be of the quality and format compatible with professional research reporting standards and provided to the IRVA Board of Directors.
- A Summary Article of the research project is required for readers of Aperture, the newsletter of the International Remote Viewing Association.
- Grant recipients are expected to present findings of the funded research project at an IRVA conference.
- Recipients are encouraged to submit their project for publication in a peer review journal of their choice with acknowledgement of IRVA and iRiS Intuition support for the research.
Funding Disbursement
- At the beginning of research period, winner will receive 50% ($1500 USD) of the total Grant of $3000.00.
- Subsequent Funding Allocations:
- Acceptance of Interim Report – 25% ($750 USD)
- Acceptance of Final Report and Summary Article for Aperture – 25% ($750 USD)
After completing the research, the principal investigator(s) will be asked to provide a brief account of “lessons learned” that could be of benefit to future Grant research projects.
If you have any questions about the application process, please send an email to: irvaservices@gmail.com with this “Question re: Research Grant” in the Subject line and this will be directed to the appropriate parties for a quick response.
IRVA – iRiS Intuition Remote Viewing Research Grant Schedule — 2023 – 2024
1. Call for proposals released by IRVA –August 12 – September 15, 2023
2. Proposal Submission Deadline – January 15, 2024
3. Submissions Reviewed for Blinding and Transmission to Evaluators by
January 16 – January 24, 2024
4. Proposals Reviewed by Evaluators – January 24 – February 20, 2024
5. Announce Research Grant Winner – February 28, 2024
6. Research Period by Winner – March 1. 2024 – September 30, 2024
7. Interim Status Report – June 15, 2024
8. Final Report – December 15, 2024
9. Draft Aperture Summary Article – January 15, 2025
10. Final Report Review and Summary Aperture Article Review and Approval by IRVA -January 30, 2025
11. Completion – February 15, 2025
To ensure your application is properly submitted, please download the following instructions and cover sheet
Research Grant Application Instructions and Cover Sheet
Prior Research Grant Winners
2024 – Automated Remote Viewing Using Artificial Intelligence will advance the understanding of RV.
Damon Abraham, Ph.D
2022 – Investigating the hit accuracy of single records within Controlled Remote Viewing (CR) sessions.
Jana Rogge, Director of Psi.vision Institute, Weimar, Germany
2021 – Investigation of ARV Session – Event Time Delay and Judging Protocols for Horse Race Predictions
Tom Atwater, A.W. (Teresa Fendly
Business Development, Author
2019 – Associations among Experience, Confidence, Transliminality and Ability to Locate and Describe Targets in Experienced Remote Viewers
Jennifer Lyke, Ph.D
Stockton University, Galloway, NJ
2017 – Associative Remote Viewing: A Proof of Principle Study
Maximilian Muller, Laura Muller, Marc Whittmann, Ph.D
Helmut Schmidt University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany
Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiberg, Germany
2015 – The Effects of Background Conditions with Pictorial Target and Remote Viewer’s Object Recognition
Debra Katz, Ph.D, Michelle Bulgatz
2012 – Remote Searching: An Evaluation of Dowsing and Intuition
Robert Price, Ph.D., James L. King, Jan E. Six, Ph.D.
Neuroscience and Consciousness Studies (INACS), Austin, TX
2011 – Explorations into Remote Viewing Microscopic Organisms
Debra Katz, Ph.D., Lance Beem, Ph.D.