Gail Husick

Gail Clayton Husick is Founder of the Husick Group LLC, a licensed private investigative agency offering Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech services to individual, business and government clients. At the Husick Group, Gail leads a worldwide team of over twenty professional remote viewers on projects including missing-person work for law enforcement, lost and stolen object searches for private clients, background research for journalists, and technology development for entrepreneurs.

Gail has been trained in Controlled Remote Viewing by her mentor Lyn Buchanan, former training officer of the U.S. Army’s Remote Viewing unit at Ft. Meade. Gail is also a Certified Reverse Speech Investigator trained by Reverse Speech pioneer David Oates.

Gail holds a J.D. (magna cum laude) from Harvard Law School, a B.A. (magna cum laude) in Economics from Rice University, a Certificate in Dream Studies from Saybrook University, and a Certificate in Private Investigation from the University of Washington.


    IRVA 2018 – Application of CRV in the Medical Field: Viewing Twins with Autism

    A duo of Controlled Remote Viewers answers a family’s request for help with 12-year old twin boys who have been diagnosed with severe autism. Applying CRV, the team identifies areas that may be fruitful for future medical and scientific research into the causes and treatment of autism. The team also uses Remote Viewing techniques to mentally access the twin boys, who are non-verbal, to understand how they experience their condition and to discover practical steps for improving their quality of life. The presentation will cover background of the project, ethical issues, process, results produced by the CRVers, feedback provided by the family, and recent scientific discoveries that appear to corroborate the project’s findings.

    IRVA 2017 – CRV Case File: Mother and Child Reunion

    A team of Controlled Remote Viewers uncovers secrets over half a century old, and helps a client who was given up for adoption as an infant discover the truth about his family origins. Using examples from the actual case file and client report, this presentation will demonstrate the power of CRV to address real-world problems. Feedback obtained from the reunion of the client with his birth mother will be included, and the client will share a few words from his own perspective about the experience of working with a team of CRVers.
