Gail Clayton Husick is Founder of the Husick Group LLC, a licensed private investigative agency offering Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech services to individual, business and government clients. At the Husick Group, Gail leads a worldwide team of over twenty professional remote viewers on projects including missing-person work for law enforcement, lost and stolen object searches for private clients, background research for journalists, and technology development for entrepreneurs.
Gail has been trained in Controlled Remote Viewing by her mentor Lyn Buchanan, former training officer of the U.S. Army’s Remote Viewing unit at Ft. Meade. Gail is also a Certified Reverse Speech Investigator trained by Reverse Speech pioneer David Oates.
Gail holds a J.D. (magna cum laude) from Harvard Law School, a B.A. (magna cum laude) in Economics from Rice University, a Certificate in Dream Studies from Saybrook University, and a Certificate in Private Investigation from the University of Washington.