Pam Coronado, is the star of the popular television series, Sensing Murder, and has been involved in psi criminal work since 1996, consulting as a psychic detective to government and private agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, on some of the nation’s highest profile crimes. A constant advocate for victims and their families, she is also search and rescue certified and volunteers with the Fowler-O’Sullivan Foundation. Pam also provides training for those interested in assisting with psychic detective work. Pam Coronado is IRVA’s former president and vice president.
Pam Coronado

IRVA 2021 – Extended Remote Viewing From the Field
Extended remote viewing (ERV) and controlled remote viewing (CRV) are both tools for tapping into the potential of the human mind, but each is performed differently. Join Bill Ray, a monitor in the military’s Stargate unit where he has facilitated ERV sessions, and Pam Coronado, star of Discovery Channel’s Sensing Murder who uses ERV in her work as a missing persons detective, to investigate, “What is ERV and how is it different than CRV?”
IRVA 2020 – A Discussion on Hypnosis and Remote Viewing
Hypnosis and Remote Viewing are both tools for exercising and tapping into the potential of the human mind. What exactly is hypnosis and how is it similar to RV and ERV? Can it be used to aid or assist remote viewers? Bill Ray was a remote viewer and monitor in the military’s Stargate unit where he used and facilitated ERV sessions. Pam Coronado, a psychic detective and remote viewer, used hypnosis to help cope with the stresses of traumatic experiences in her work. Sean Mahoney is a certified hypnotist and has been trained in several different methodologies of Remote Viewing. In this discussion, Bill Ray, Pam Coronado, and Sean Mahoney will discuss their experiences and thoughts in this area.
IRVA 2018 – Perceiving Murder: Tales from a Psychic Detective
In May of 1996 Sherri Dally was kidnapped by her husband’s mistress, driven to a remote location, savagely murdered and dumped into a ravine. It was on that same night I had a disturbing dream in which I was riding in the backseat of a car and realized my husband and his mistress were about to kill me. Those startling insights into Sherri’s last moments and her location later proved helpful to local law enforcement and changed the entire trajectory of my life. I’ve had other dreams of this nature over the years, revealing the location of a body or propelling me into the tense scene of Seal Team 6 creeping up the smoky, dark steps to ambush Bin Laden, but the first fateful dream thrust me unexpectedly into the world of psychic crime fighting where I have stayed for more than two decades. This presentation will highlight my work on a few high profile cases such as Natalee Holloway, the Beltway Snipers and my long-term work on Chandra Levy, the DC intern who went missing while having an affair with congressman Gary Condit. I will discuss my process of perceiving residual energy present at crime scenes and the challenges and frustrations of missing persons work. Also covered will be the mysterious case of Tiffany Daniels and my foray into the field of human trafficking.
IRVA 2017 – Panel Discussion: Telepathic Interference in Remote Viewing
What impact, if any, can telepathic interference have on the process of remote viewing? Can the beliefs or intentions of taskers, monitors, and viewers significantly influence the result of an operational RV session, even under blind conditions? These questions have been guaranteed flashpoints of passionate debate within the RV community for over two decades. In this session, Pam Coronado, Daz Smith, and John Cook sit down for a “virtual round-table” exploration of the topic and its implications for the field.
IRVA 2015 – RV and Missing Persons
Remote viewing is the perfect tool for missing person’s work. I began working on missing persons in 1996 and have been fine tuning my ability to describe locations every since. Remote viewing is the ideal tool to build a complete profile of a location. When a description of a location is all you have to actually find it in the real world, layer upon layer of detail is required. In this talk, I will share my step-by-step process of describing a location, from landing at the site, to viewing in each location, to gaining a bird’s eye view. When finished, I have what I call a clock map which places all features, natural and manmade, into their proper relative positions. I will talk about probing the map, as you would an ideogram, for further information and fine detail and filling in any information gaps.
IRVA 2014 – Workshop: Sketching Human Faces for Remote Viewing
Remote viewers are often presented with human targets. This workshop will cover the basics of sketching faces while staying on signal. If you are a stick figure artist then this workshop is designed for you. The key to drawing recognizable people is to notice the features that make their face unique or interesting and capture this quality on paper. Christopher Barbour has an uncanny ability to depict a person’s eyes properly and his work has even been run through facial recognition software for a match. Christopher will be teaching all of us his technical secrets. Pam will instruct on the intuitive process of viewing human faces. There will be at least one practice target during the workshop. You may bring your own charcoal pencils if you wish but they are not required.
IRVA 2012 – Workshop: Opening Up To Your Senses
Remote viewing is actually a series of perceptions and every great remote viewing session is built on more than one sense perception. In this fun and interactive workshop, Pam takes participants through a series of sessions each of which are based on a sense perception. Pam will bring several objects for targets that will require sound, smell, taste and texture perception. What does this target sound like? What does this target smell like? What does this target feel like and “What does this target taste like?”
In my missing person work, I rely a great deal on all of my senses rather than just visual. I may not be able to pull in an image of a particular building but might hear children playing or a church bell ringing. Opening up to all of the senses will multiply the target information that is available to you. It’s more fun this way too.
IRVA 2011 – Panel Discussion: Remote Viewing Promotion and Public Perception
Our distinguished international panel members are all practicing remote viewers that have one thing in common — a drive and a successful talent for promoting remote viewing and other psychic abilities to the public at large. They will explore the current public perception of remote viewing and psychic abilities, and share their perspectives on the responsible promotion of remote viewing to a wider audience. The panelists will discuss their past efforts at furthering public knowledge of remote viewing, what they are doing now, and their vision of what needs to be done in the future.
IRVA 2010 – Psychometry Workshop: Techniques to Strengthen the RV Signal Line
Psychometry is the faculty of gaining impressions from a physical object and its history through touch. It is often used in crime and archaeology work. Pam will talk you through a psychometry session while you handle rocks she has brought from secret locations. After the session, photos of these locations will be revealed for your feedback.
Pam has found the process remarkably similar to remote viewing a location target and believes remote viewers can utilize psychometry to strengthen the signal line and sharpen all of their sense perceptions. There will also be a question and answer period following the workshop.
IRVA 2009 – What Psychics Can Learn From Remote Viewers
Remote viewing and psychic are two terms often tossed around interchangeably and mistakenly. Remote viewers are usually quick to correct the misunderstanding . . . really quick. Two sides of the same coin, certainly, but not the same. While the goal is identical; to obtain information about a remote location, person, object or event, the process is different. Why do remote viewers object? Because their process is structured and controlled with formal stages that correspond with deeper and deeper levels of awareness. Remote viewers train and study, while psychics are just naturally gifted, and have little control over when and what they perceive. Right?
Pam, a natural intuitive, is versed in both methods and keenly aware of the differences and strengths of each.Pam believes that psychics have much to learn from the remote viewing process. Pam also knows that her stray cats have a few things to teach remote viewers. She also believes that by understanding and recognizing the differences in how these two forms of consciousness respond, we can take a step forward in our understanding of all forms of PSI.
IRVA 2007 – Remote Viewing Crime
Psychic detective work has fascinated the public for decades but what does it really take to succeed in this unorthodox career? Pam will candidly discuss everything from the emotional demands and rewards that come with the job to the mental discipline and sometimes harsh reality of making an actual living in this field. Pam will touch on navigating the ethical minefield associated with psychic detective work, from dealing with family members to approaching cases unsolicited. She will share some of her behind the scenes experiences on Discovery Times’, Sensing Murder, and even answer a few of your questions if time allows. She will discuss how to present oneself as a professional and how to relate to law enforcement, as well as how to properly get your foot in the door if you are considering this field. If you have long dreamed of becoming a psychic detective, Pam will give you a clear inside view of the exhilarating highs and the devastating lows that come with the territory.
IRVA 2007 – Panel Discussion: A Remote Viewer’s Code of Ethics
Ethics as applied to remote viewing will be defined and explored by the panel with audience participation. Among the issues that will be discussed are targeting rules, what boundaries should be imposed on using the skill, and tasker as well as viewer ethics.
IRVA 2004 – Remote Viewing High Profile Crime Cases
Pam Coronado discusses her work with the FBI on the Lee Boyd Malvo and John Allen Muhammad case that terrorized the Washington DC area in October, 2002.
Managing the pressure and cutting through the maze of media frontloading adds a special challenge to working high profile cases. She will discuss these challenges along with proper protocol on dealing with law enforcement in these sensitive situations.
IRVA 2002 – Operational Remote Viewers vs Psychic Detectives:What’s the difference and who’s more effective?
Numbers cannot be remote viewed. Right? Front loading will destroy a session. Right? For heaven sakes, whatever you do, describe, describe, describe… but don’t name anything. Right? “PROTOCOL”, yell remote viewers. “Just let it flow, let it flow, let it flow” insist psychics, rolling all three eyes. So who’s right? Is there a right way? We will explore several operational target sessions by trained remote viewers and untrained ‘natural’ psychics. Numbers, labels and front loading will all be addressed.
IRVA 2001 – The Best Techniques for Successfully Remote Viewing the Future
Pam Coronado presenting in honor of Alan Vaughan, Ph.D.
Pam Coronado worked closely with Alan Vaughan before his death in April 2001. Alan Vaughan contributed much to the field of parapsychology both as a researcher and an intuitive. He authored seven books, including Patterns of Prophecy and Doorways to Higher Consciousness. Vaughan holds the title of “Most Successful Predictor” in the Guinness Book of World Records and is featured in Don Wigal’s book, Visions of Nostradamus and Other Prophets.
Pam Coronado, a professional intuitive and private investigator who was featured in New Line Cinemas’ documentary “Premonitions”, took part in several of Alan’s studies as a test subject. Pam will report on the findings of these studies as well as share important factors involved in successfully remote viewing the future as learned through over 30 years of study and research done by Vaughan. The group will have a fun chance to remote view a future event during the presentation.