Jim Channon

Jim Channon

Jim Channon was a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army. Most notably he is remembered for creating the First Earth Battalion manual.

Jim Channon was featured in Fortune magazine as the business world’s first corporate Shaman. He was featured in Omni and other magazines and websites as the founder of the Army’s First Earth Battalion.

Recognized worldwide as the original pioneer of the corporate visioning process, Jim Channon has been a trusted strategic designer for ten of the World’s largest companies. He was the lead futurist and educational technologist for the U.S. Army.

Jim has been described as a cross between Buckminster Fuller and Walt Disney. He created advanced visual AVL and the virtual reality exercise VRX. He has also done cultural voyaging with tribal groups worldwide. Presently his social architecture looks toward a new Pacific renaissance.

He is a lover of life and a spell-binding story teller. Channon is currently retired from the Army and resides in Hawaii.


    IRVA 2012 – Workshop: Remote Viewing Art — Making Drawing Easy

    Anyone can learn to draw impressions in 3D. Learn Jim’s amazing techniques for capturing flashes of impressions and converting them to dimensional drawings.This instruction is not reserved for remote viewers. It’s great for any art enthusiast or anyone who wants to learn to draw fast and accurate to scale models. These are easy to learn methods using inexpensive art supplies. No experience necessary! You do not have to be a remote viewer or an artist to benefit from this official First Earth Battalion training! Be all you can be! Go Planet!

    IRVA 2011 – Panel Discussion: Remote Viewing Promotion and Public Perception

    Our distinguished international panel members are all practicing remote viewers that have one thing in common — a drive and a successful talent for promoting remote viewing and other psychic abilities to the public at large. They will explore the current public perception of remote viewing and psychic abilities, and share their perspectives on the responsible promotion of remote viewing to a wider audience. The panelists will discuss their past efforts at furthering public knowledge of remote viewing, what they are doing now, and their vision of what needs to be done in the future.

    IRVA 2010 – The First Earth Battalion

    Jim Channon, Lt. Colonel, US Army (Ret.), presents on the First Earth Battalion, Task Force Delta, and his charge to think the unthinkable. Jim discusses how the techniques he developed for the Army can be applied to the challenges of remote viewing, including improving sketching and drawing skills, and the capture of perceptual data.
