IRVA 2015 – Show Me The Money!
In the early days of the remote viewing program it was realized that RV would only be taken seriously outside of the intelligence community if the creation of significant financial value was involved. Today, the ability to generate high-value Board-level strategic intelligence, and the ability to rapidly create commercially successful disruptive innovation, are the Holy Grail of the business world. The five principal applications of (C)RV are to Describe, Locate, Evaluate, Diagnose and Forecast. In addition, the viewer has the unique opportunity to Experience a multi-sensory relationship to the target.
An emerging opportunity is presenting itself for the next generation of professional remote viewers to present (C)RV as a unique Business Innovation tool that will help business owners to generate significant commercial value and financial growth.
– explore early applications of remote viewing in the business world
– define Business Innovation
– describe the four forms of Business Innovation
– explain the relationship between Business Innovation, Business Intelligence, and Business Strategy
– present the Stanford School Innovation Process
– identify how (C)RV and ARV can be applied to the Innovation Process to generate Strategic Intelligence, create unique and innovative solutions and problem-solve prototyping problems.
IRVA 2010 – ‘Clearing The Stream’ with Energy Psychology Techniques
There are three stages to every remote viewing session; PRE-SESSION, IN-SESSION and POST-SESSION. As the viewer is our only means of accessing the stream of remote viewing data, the effective performance of the viewer at each stage is critical to the data quality and subsequent outcome of any remote viewing session.
The ability of any viewer to access accurate session data is associated with the viewer’s capacity to address personal limiting beliefs, pre-session anxieties, pre and in-session frustrations, personal fears and phobias, past traumatic experiences (including previous remote viewing sessions), stresses and other distractions. The emerging field of Energy Psychology offers fast, effective tools and systematic techniques to remove these impediments to successful viewing. Energy Psychology techniques combine cognitive psychology and NLP with new understandings about the energetic nature of the human bio-field. Coupled with light-touch physical interventions to create psycho-energetic interventions that directly access the subconscious, it results in measured neurological change and the removal of negative thought patterns and psycho-emotional responses. These tools complement, and are applicable to every form and style of remote viewing. The presentation will explore how various types of beliefs, fears and past traumatic experiences can influence the viewer during each stage of every remote viewing session, introduce the conceptual basis of Energy Psychology, describe two such techniques, demonstrate their application to any remote viewing project, and how they can be used to communicate directly with the subconscious mind to improve the quality and accuracy of session data.Video