Shane Ivie is the originator of his trademarked application of remote viewing, Operational Handicapping; an approach to the prediction of horse race results and major sporting events. He is a long-time enthusiast of the subject of “military-method” remote viewing and is a highly skilled, advanced level remote viewer. Shane has written articles for Aperture magazine on subjects including forensic RV, sports prediction and various book and media reviews (Issues 24 – 25, 28 -29 and 31). In 2016, he was given what he considers his highest privilege to conduct a conference presentation for IRVA outlining his “Operational Handicapping” technique and the ability to describe names with remote viewing.
Shane Ivie
IRVA 2016 – Remote Viewing Names: Finding the Winning Horse and Beyond
Being able to produce names would be a huge benefit in solving difficult remote viewing problems. Yet remote viewing names is impossible. Or is it? Everything is impossible until someone comes along and does it. Shane Ivie may have the winning ticket to this long-standing problem in remote viewing. Using a basic understanding of remote viewing methodology and through careful observation of session results, he has developed a new approach that applies thoroughbred horse racing to demonstrate proof-of-principle (and, by the way, to make money). Called "Operational Handicapping" (OH), this method successfully produces the actual names of winning horses in targeted races. Operational handicapping is in no way an application of ARV principles, but rather, Shane postulates, an open response from the Matrix identifying a simple concept: a name. Evolved, refined, and expanded, Shane's presentation will outline the step-by-step development of this reliable and repeatable protocol. He will demonstrate how the process can consistently and effectively be used to predict the future through sketches and representations that are often surprisingly vivid in identifying the names of specific horses that turn out winners. With horse racing as his example, he will explain how this process might be applied to other problems and challenges in remote viewing having nothing to do with horses or racing.
In this presentation you will: Learn how to select a target and set up the process of predicting horse races. Learn by example how the subconscious communicates in regard to concepts rather than physical targets or events. Follow along as the presenter explains how this new application was created and how it is that the Matrix becomes the Instructor for the human observer.
Note: The presenter will include necessary background information for understanding horse race wagering as he lays out the keys to finding the optimum winning horse.