Jerry Livesay, Ph.D. received a B.A. in education from Emory and Henry College, M.A. in clinical psychology from Radford University, Certification in Forensic Evaluation from the Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, Advanced Graduate Training in School Psychology at the College of William and Mary and the PhD in General Experimental Psychology at United States International University. Dr. Livesay was formerly the coordinator of Psychological Services at the Pain Treatment Centers of San Diego and for eight years was the Dean and Psychology Program Director of the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS). At CIHS, Dr. Livesay was instrumental in developing the curriculum and research foci of a state approved graduate specialization program in Parapsychology. He has published extensively in the area of Cognitive Psychophysiology relative to covert speech behavior during silent language information processing activity. Currently, Dr. Livesay is a psychotherapist with the Union of Pan Asian Communities and teaches Psychology at USIU and CSPP in San Diego, CA.
Photo by: Robert M. Knight