Joseph Matto, AIA, is a multi-award-winning Architect & Designer licensed in Connecticut. He has designed over 400 custom homes & buildings and has received awards from the American Institute of Architects, HUD/DOE and the State of Connecti- cut for innovative work in solar and energy effi- cient design. Joe studied at RISD, graduating from Pratt Institute in New York Summa Cum Laude in 1995. He also holds degrees in Industrial and Interior Design having taught Design Science at a Connecticut university. At his core Joe is an Intuitive Artist. A creative “Designer and Form Giver”. His interest in metaphysics and ESP began with a spiritual awakening after a major unexpected Kundalini event in the fall of 1985. He began experiencing many types of ESP including Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Bilocation, and even an instance of Psychokinesis. Joe trained in CRV with Paul H. Smith in 2015, and more recently has participated in Marty Rosenblatt’s Applied Precognition project seminars.