As an integrator of multiple scientific disciplines Marsha Adams has proposed pioneering concepts authoring or co-authoring papers that have changed paradigms. While at Stanford Medical School, she was involved in electrophysiological measurements. She participated with the surgical team that launched the popularity of coronary bypass surgery. She devised an electronic circuit that allows cardiac pacemakers to fine tune the amount electricity needed to pace the heart. In the late 1970s she pioneered the idea that impending earthquakes may produce low frequency electromagnetic signals that may explain anomalous animal behavior, and that monitoring these signals may lead to earthquake forecasting. To that end, she constructed the first civilian station to monitor low frequency signals for the purpose of earthquake forecasting. She has done extensive analysis correlating solar terrestrial data with health and crime statistics. While employed by SRI International as a Sr. computer systems analyst in the early 1980s , she participated in the Remote Viewing project. She functioned as both a researcher and trainee under the tutelage of Ingo Swann. Adams pioneered the idea that RV performance may be influenced by prevailing geomagnetic conditions. She authored two papers showing a temporal relationship between remote viewing quality and geomagnetic field activity. Although she has not been active in remote viewing since the mid 1980s, her current research activities include measuring geophysical variables endeavoring to understand the earthlight phenomenon. This research may be relevant to understanding subtle environmental variables and improving RV results.
Marsha Adams

IRVA 2012 – Should Location, Environment and Time be Considered Variables in Remote Viewing Performance?
Marsha Adams will describe her participation in the SRI Remote viewing project in the early 1980s as both researcher and trainee. She will show a brief video explaining the relevant mechanism for the research she did; naturally occurring electric and magnetic activity of the earth and its source, solar activity. Research that may link solar-terrestrial activity to human physiology and remote viewing quality will be discussed. She will review two papers she presented at the Parapsychological Association meeting in the mid 80s regarding temporal relationships of Dr. Hal Puthoff’s remote viewing data to geomagnetic field activity. Expanding the scope, recent research regarding physiological and health changes induced by both naturally occurring and artificial electric and magnetic fields will be explored. She will discuss measurable characteristics of location including data collected in the ambient environment inside buildings, at sacred sites, at so called “geopathic zones,” and in control areas. Speculations about environmental effects on physiology and therefore Remote Viewing performance will be made. Adams will discuss how local fields can be detected and measured directly, as well as how to find links to real time internet data for naturally occurring solar terrestrial data. Adams will also speculate on some potentially fruitful areas to explore for temporal relationships with RV results as well as some possible mitigation measures.