IRVA Sponsored Event

Intro to Dreams and Dreaming - the Paranormal Academy With Angela Thompson Smith

December 16, 2023

Online, Zoom


"The idea that an altered state of consciousness (ASC) can aid the retrieval of information is an intriguing idea. Modern researchers have noted that optimal effects may be linked to certain mental states and some interesting connections have been noted by researchers. Meditation, dreaming, hypnosis, and mental imagery are some of the ways that have aided the ability to access hidden information. There are certain mental states that have been termed psi-conducive by researchers. These are also termed protoconscious states, and they assist in the sending and reception of hidden information. Psi-conducive states include relaxation, dreaming and daydreaming, mild sensory deprivation, and states that occur just as a person is falling asleep or waking up.

Sleep is the most common altered state of consciousness and dreaming the most frequently reported mediator of spontaneous paranormal information. Dream studies, in which sleeping subjects were able to retrieve information sent to them during the night by a "sender", were conducted at the Maimonides Medical Center Sleep Laboratory in the 1970's."

Angela Thompson Smith studied the role of altered states of consciousness in psi research at Saybrook Graduate School. She also participated in PSI Ganzfeld studies at the Psychophysical Research Laboratory, NJ during the 1980s.


The goals of this Module are to aid the student in understanding altered states of consciousness (ASC) and how they can aid in the accessing and understanding of information and experience. All classes will be recorded so you won't miss anything!

The fee for this module is $75 for IRVA members and $100 for nonmembers.

Or join us for all 12 modules for the yearly rate! All previous class recordings and materials will be available for access regardless of when you register:

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