- Include a bequest to IRVA, Inc. in your will or trust.
- Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose.
- Indicate a specific amount or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate or trust.
- Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
- You can modify your gift to address changing circumstances.
- You can direct your gift to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
- Under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests.
Sample bequest language
The following are examples of three outright gift provisions. The sample language illustrates
how a bequest or a gift through a living trust can be accomplished, and is intended to be used
for educational purposes rather than as advice. We encourage donors to share this information
with their legal counsel, and recommend that anyone undertaking estate planning do so with
the consultation of an attorney.
Specific Bequest to IRVA, Inc.
“I give ________________ (describe asset) to IRVA, Inc., a Connecticut non-profit corporation, EIN#XX-XXXXXXX P.O. Box 1471 South Windsor, CT 06074, to further the objectives and purposes of the organization and its mission.”
Cash Bequest to IRVA, Inc.
A cash bequest provides IRVA, Inc. with a specified sum of money from a donor’s estate.
“I give _____ Dollars ($_____) to IRVA, Inc., a Connecticut non-profit corporation, EIN#XX-XXXXXXX P.O. Box 1471 South Windsor, CT 06074 to further the objectives and purposes of the organization and its mission.”
Residuary Bequest to IRVA, Inc.
A residuary bequest is made from the residue, or what remains in a donor’s estate after specific
and cash bequests, taxes, settlement costs and debts are satisfied. This type of bequest is
sensitive to changes in the size of the estate over time.
“I give the residue (or _____ percent of the residue) of my estate to IRVA, Inc., a Connecticut non-profit corporation, EIN#XX-XXXXXXX P.O. Box 1471 South Windsor, CT 06074 to further the objectives and purposes of the organization and its mission.”
For more information or to discuss further options write to us: