John Cook

John Cook

John Cook has been entangled with remote viewing since 1998. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Theology, but has worked in information technology and as a business analyst for 24 years, most of that time at a multinational pharmaceutical company.  As a viewer, he has contributed to both research and operational RV & psi projects, and has a keen interest in the intersection of the physical & non-local aspects of consciousness—in particular how they relate to topics as diverse as precognition, synchronicity, art, artificial intelligence, and personal growth. John Cook is IRVA’s former president.


    IRVA 2020 – IRVA Founders Panel

    The International Remote Viewing Association was founded in March, 1999 by a group of some of the most influential figures from both the scientific and applications sides of the field. This panel discussion will be led by several of those early founders, discussing a range of topics – from the past, present, and future of remote viewing, to questions raised by our conference attendees. Truly a highlight of the 2020 conference!

    IRVA 2018 – Undrinking the Kool-Aid: "Blindness" as both a crucial feature and Achilles' Heel of Remote Viewing

    One of the most compelling aspects of remote viewing (RV)’s value as evidence for the presence of non-local elements within human consciousness is its reliance upon true experimental blindness as an integral part of its protocol. Beyond this, there is general agreement that RV is also most *effectively* done under blind conditions, as this creates the necessary mental space for the viewer to capture the subtle impressions that comprise RV data. A crucial question must be asked, however: What does “blindness” really mean, in the context of a skill that presupposes the potential for an RVer’s mind to access all of space-time?

    This talk will explore the importance of blindness within both experimental and applications-focused RV, and the role of RV “cues” and intention in the remote viewing process. It will then address a dangerously common assumption – that blindness to the target is an effective insulator against the introduction of participant biases into RV data. Contemporary examples will be provided that illustrate participant-bias bypassing well-constructed experimental protocols and insinuating inaccurate data into RV session work. Finally, a case will be made that far from these facts pointing to any deficiency in RV, they in fact highlight opportunities for important new avenues of research, which might result in advances across all of parapsychology.

    IRVA 2017 – RV as a Turing Test for AI: Will Artificial Intelligences be Able to Remote View?

    Many artificial intelligence experts believe that AI is on track to surpass the human brain’s computing power within our lifetimes – but will these intelligences be conscious? How could we know, and in what ways does remote viewing provide a framework that may be critical to answering such questions? Building upon established mainstream science, and extrapolating from historic and ongoing consciousness and AI research, two surprising conclusions will be proposed: First, that RV may provide a way of testing whether AI systems are truly conscious, and second, that if it is demonstrated that they are, it will only be the beginning of an incredible journey.

    IRVA 2017 – Panel Discussion: Telepathic Interference in Remote Viewing

    What impact, if any, can telepathic interference have on the process of remote viewing? Can the beliefs or intentions of taskers, monitors, and viewers significantly influence the result of an operational RV session, even under blind conditions? These questions have been guaranteed flashpoints of passionate debate within the RV community for over two decades. In this session, Pam Coronado, Daz Smith, and John Cook sit down for a “virtual round-table” exploration of the topic and its implications for the field.

