Jeffrey W. Smith, Psy.D., holds a doctoral degree in Psychology from Ryokan College in Los Angles, a Bachelors Degree in Behavioral Science, and Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from National University, in San Diego, California. He was a flight officer for the United States Marine Corp for 20 years and a subject in James Whinnery, M.D.’s G force centrifuge studies. He formerly worked for the Department of Defense as a Senior Naval Wargaming Specialist. Jeff is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT). His Vista, California practice focuses on marriage, family, and child counseling.
Jeffrey W. Smith, Psy.D.
IRVA 2011 – Wisdom in the Making: Therapeutic Applications of Nonlocal Viewing for Counseling
We have developed a new approach to creating life changes, we call Wisdom in the Making. It involves a blending of validated therapeutic techniques such as EMDR, hemispheric integration, and somatic experiencing, with remote viewing. This is particularly powerful in the treatment of PTSD. During the therapy “virtual” persons can be engaged, such as, healthy adult parts of the person, fallen comrades of a soldier in war, dead family members, abusers and spirit helpers to assist in the healing process. This often catalyzes a profound healing response where clients report a sense of deeper healing, even a Spiritual experience, while new material comes forward of forgiveness, compassion and love for the “self” and “others.”