SkyBar Lounge Pool, Guanajuato, MX
Location: Casa del Rector Hotel Boutique,Guanajuato, MX
Photo Credit: IRVA Member, Focal Point Target submission
SkyBar Lounge Pool, Guanajuato, MX
Location: Casa del Rector Hotel Boutique,Guanajuato, MX
Photo Credit: IRVA Member, Focal Point Target submission
No great. Buildings and AOL-BK: Mirrors
Some good, and lot of AOLs
Brings me to the wrong way.
J’ai ressenti :
Organique Artificiel Liquide
J’ai dessiné un nuage
Couleurs bleu gris blanc noir rouge jaune vert
Presence d’humains
Partie dure
Vers le haut
Vers le ciel
Quelque chose d’oblique
Comme un plateau
Forme arrondie
Présence d’eau
Conglomérat de quelque chose
IRVA FP301022 Mireille
J’ai ressenti :
Organique Artificiel Liquide
J’ai dessiné un nuage
Couleurs bleu gris blanc noir rouge jaune vert
Presence d’humains
IRVA FP301022 Mireille
Water cloud
IRVA FP301022 Mireille
How to delate my two last posts ?
Do you have an (Edit) link next to the post ?
Tall trees, glass, metal. grass, horses.
I think I need to describe more maybe. In an ideal it would be so nice if there was an actual person that we could ask more about what was there, outside the picture.
I’m taking this as a hit…