Yonaguni Monument
Tasking: Describe the structures that are underwater known as “Yonagun Monument in Japan” and also their origins, who created these and how did they do it?
Beneath the coastal waters of the Japanese island of Yonaguni lies a series of mysterious rock formations. Since its discovery nearly 35 years ago, the strangely symmetrical shapes and structures of the ‘Yonaguni Monument’ have led to fierce debate over its true origins.
The Yonaguni Monument was formed naturally but looks manmade. The diver who first discovered it in modern recorded history labeled it the Atlantis of the Pacific Ocean. The most curious perhaps are the stone rings which were formed by underwater vents from heated water surfacing through the ocean floor. The material which constitutes this monument is too fragile to have been an effective building material capable of being inhabited above water. I know this location and so my brain would interfere with my higher senses. Great exercise!!
It was strange. I missed a lot of elements since I started to learn and work RV, but I never missed water. But I did have had pyramid. And for this I am proud.
Doc – 09.02.2021 – 22-25
Sorry. I renamed the filed.
Doc – FP180-121 DIM- 22-25
I got solid, man-made structure and water, blue, green, etc
Hey there.
I’ve got water and constructions on the coast starting from the first step.
Then, I saw the “STOP” or No Way sing meaning that the target is covered by something.
Very interesting target.
Thanks for sharing.
FP180121 DhyanaDiva