Announcing IRVA’s Professional Membership Program

IRVA is proud to announce the establishment a professional membership category.

IRVA receives ever-increasing requests for referrals to professional-level remote viewers for a wide variety of research and applied projects. Those who become pro members will become part of this referral pool. While employment or referrals are not guaranteed, there will likely be opportunities not easily found elsewhere for those who are members. This program will further strive to aid in the professional development of its members, offering mentoring and educational and growth opportunities and serving as a resource for members and for the community at large in a more focused way then previously. We hope it will also motivate those who are starting out to continue with their practice and training to qualify for this membership category in the future. We welcome all who meet the qualifications listed below. Professional Level Membership will be offered as a special benefit to IRVA members at the Sustainer or Lifetime level, once meeting membership criteria.  


  • Professional Level members may receive private referrals thru IRVA for remote viewing professional assignments, have the possibility of initiating and participating in operational targets, be part of, or even manage research and other projects with IRVA co-sponsorship.
  • They may attend special pro-level training classes offered through IRVA ED, participate in discussion forums on how to apply to teach for IRVA and how to apply for IRVA research grants, and attend Zoom discussion forums to network, which will introduce professional members and board members.

  • Pro members can create, on their own initiative, zoom networking meetings per specialty or area of interest and start IRVA communities of special interest, with board approval.
  • Professional Level members will be included in Aperture Magazine listings and appear on the website as Professional Member with the ability to use an IRVA pro membership logo on their websites for the length of their membership.
  • Professional Level membership also includes all benefits of full members.
  • Pro membership available to Sustainer and Lifetime members upon acceptance of application and application fee. 

Criteria for Professional Level Membership:

Professional Membership Level application will require a:

  • Photo ID
  • Address/email/phone
  • Overview of employment in the Remote Viewing field (professional trained work. )
  • Three referrals: This can include IRVA members, Remote Viewing trainers, researchers or law enforcement.
  • Applicant has completed at least three years of remote viewing practice and 50 sessions including any gratis or operational targets.
  • Advanced level training in Remote Viewing. 50 hours minimum. Applicant has been trained by a recognized remote viewing trainer in any form of good protocol remote viewing.
  • If self-taught, the applicant may include additional qualifications such as establishing a good protocol group practice, maintaining a web site, publications, independent study, project management experience, and an essay describing the reasons the applicant believes they would be qualified to charge for providing remote viewing services.
  • All applicants must submit three remote viewing transcripts done by the applicant within the previous three years that include the session showing format and data collected, target feedback, and a professional-level summary such as would be provided to a client.
  • All are welcome to apply, but if you feel you do not meet the essential qualifications you may want to wait to apply while using training resources such as the IRVA education programming, the IRVA Facebook practice group, IRVA membership access to conference videos, which all provide excellent background in preparation for becoming a professional level member.

Ready to Join?

1. Fill out the application

2. Pay the application fee of $45

3. Wait for approval. Once approved you’ll be sent a link to pay the remaining portion of the $199 membership fee.  Also, please note: If you are already an associate or tasker level member in good standing, the fees you already paid will be applied to the balance of the $199 fee as well for the remainder of the year.

Professional Membership Fees:

  • First Year of Membership: $145
  • Application Fee: $45

Any questions?

Please Contact: